Frontend developers explained

Frontend developer - what is it?

When you talk about frontend within app or web development you typically refer to the presentation layer, i.e. the part of the application that the end users will see.

It is the frontend developer who creates the interaction and user experience with scripts embedded into your site's HTML. Everything your visitors see, click on, or give input to is the work of a frontend developer.

Why employ or hire a frontend developer?

Expectations of user interfaces today are much higher than they were 10 years ago. In particular, it is important to have an intuitive and responsive interface to increase conversion:

Expectations on usability

  • 57% of internet users say that they wouldn't recommend a business with a poorly designed website for mobile
  • 47% of users expect a 2-second loading time
  • 85% of people think that a company website should be equally good on the mobile as in a web browser

Search Engine Optimisation Within Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content obviously plays a huge role. However, it is also super important with the technical part. Using valid and semantic HTML, unique titles and descriptions, URL slugs, etc. all contribute to this process.

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