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Andrey K.

Data Engineer

Andrey har mer än 7 års erfarenhet som en JavaScript-fokuserad backend-utvecklare.

Med ett intresse för att lära sig nya teknologier och ramverk har Andrey förskaffat sig en bred kompetens och erfarenhet från flera industrier.

Huvudsaklig expertis
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 10 år
  • Vue.js
    Vue.js 6 år
  • Angular.js
    Angular.js 2 år
Andra kompetenser
  • Python
    Python 2 år
  • Databricks
    Databricks 2 år

Utvald erfarenhet


  • Full-stack Developer

    Electrolux AB - 1 år

    • Application for marketing specialists to predict sales volume based on set prices. Back-end has multiple services to aggregate pricedata, train models and predict sales volume. Front-end displays various charts for prices and sales data, has advanced filtering for the products information. Andrey was responsible for the front-end application and back-end microservices, including some tasks for Python-based one.


    • Teknologier:
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • Node.js Node.js
    • TypeScript TypeScript
  • Full-stack Developer - 3 år 3 månader

    • Application to display large amounts of heating assets on map, has hierarchy of assets, various filters, list of users with their permissions.


    • Teknologier:
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • Node.js Node.js
  • Full-stack Developer

    Leaseweb - 3 år 2 månader

    • Corporate website with products configurator, shop and customerside.


    • Teknologier:
    • PHP PHP
  • Front-end Developer

    Kyiv Software Factory - 1 år

    • All frontend development, parts of API backend.
    • Internal application for helping the cleaning quality inspector tobuild his way through all rooms in the building. It consists of scalable floor schemas with draggable room markers, consumed by mobile app.
    • Application for various matter related processes management inlaw firms. Has a unique timeline and calendar widgets, management of all matter related entities.
    • Application to display information from vehicles tracking devices. Draws information with Google Maps API and directions service, includes a lot of filters for displayed data.


    • Teknologier:
    • Angular.js Angular.js
    • React.js React.js
    • Node.js Node.js
    • AWS AWS
    • PHP PHP
  • Front-end Developer

    Anzer IT Healthcare - 1 år 5 månader

    • Corporate website and internal content management system. Supporting company clients websites.


  • MSc.Information operating systems and technologies

    National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" · 2006 - 2012

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