Daniel V.
Mobile Developer
Daniel is a proficient mobile developer with over five years of commercial experience. He has spent several years leveraging Dart and Flutter, demonstrating an impressive understanding of these tools. Alongside these key technical competencies, Daniel possesses a solid insight into mobile development in general.
His portfolio includes substantial stints with companies like Capgemini and Amaris Consulting. Although his skills are broad, Daniel's primary focus is on software engineering within the mobile technology stack. He continues to actively expand his skill set with evolving technologies, ensuring he remains at the forefront of the industry.
Huvudsaklig expertis
- REST API 5 år
- Flutter 5 år
- Dart 5 år
Andra kompetenser
- Git 5 år
- VSCode 5 år
- Integration Testing 4 år
Utvald erfarenhet
Senior Flutter Developer
Gorilla Logic - 2 år 9 månader
Designing, developing, and maintaining widgets for iOS and Android platforms using the Flutter framework.
Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including product and design, to ensure the application meets business requirements and delivers an exceptional user experience.
Conducting thorough testing and debugging to ensure the application is free of defects before release.
Integrating the application with the server-side infrastructure in collaboration with the backend development team.
Helping to train and mentor other developers in the company to ensure consistent adherence to the development practices.
- Teknologier:
- Integration Testing
- Android
- iOS
- Mockito
- Unit Testing
- Git
- VSCode
- JFrog
- Jira
- Flutter
- Dart
Experienced Consultant
Amaris Consulting - 1 år 3 månader
Designed and developed and maintained the Leal App for iOS and Android platforms using the Flutter framework.
Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including product and design, to ensure the application meets business requirements and delivers an exceptional user experience.
Integrated the application with the server-side infrastructure in collaboration with the backend development team.
- Teknologier:
- Integration Testing
- Android
- iOS
- Mockito
- Unit Testing
- Git
- VSCode
- Jira
- Firebase
- Flutter
- Dart
Senior Software Engineer
Capgemini - 11 månader
Worked on creating Bancolombia's internal Design System, including developing a shared design language, creating UI components, and documenting design guidelines.
Used the company design system to implement complex user interfaces and animations to create a seamless user experience in the Bancolombia Ahorro a La Mano app.
Researched and implemented new technologies, frameworks, and development practices to improve the application's performance, scalability, and user experience.
- Teknologier:
- Integration Testing
- Mockito
- Unit Testing
- Git
- VSCode
- Jira
- Firebase
- Flutter
- Dart
BSc.Systems Engineering
Universidad Industrial de Santander · 2011 - 2017
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