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Alex T.

Machine Learning Engineer

Alex har en PhD inom Machine Learning 7+ års erfarenhet inom ML och Data Science.

Han har arbetat som maskininlärningsingenjör på företag som Bosch och Samsung med use cases inom Computer Vision och Deep Learning.

Huvudsaklig expertis
  • NumPy
    NumPy 7 år
  • Python
    Python 7 år
  • C++
    C++ 3 år
Andra kompetenser
  • TensorFlow
    TensorFlow 4 år
  • Pandas
    Pandas 4 år
  • Caffe
    Caffe 3 år

Utvald erfarenhet


  • Senior Machine Learning Engineer

    Virtual Control - 2 år

    • Development of a computer vision solution for shipments tracking in the supply chain.
    • Development of a human pose estimation algorithm based on deep learning technologies.
    • Development of human detection, one-camera tracking, multi-camera tracking, re-identification algorithm.
    • Increased accuracy of initial open source solution by 26% and inference time was decreased by 50%.
    • Designed architecture of the computer vision solution.
    • Improved speed of the system from 1 frame-per-second to 10 frames-per-second on 4 CPUs(without GPU usage) without loss in accuracy.
    • Led a team of the three ML and Software engineers in the project.


    • Teknologier:
    • NumPy NumPy
    • Python Python
    • Caffe Caffe
    • C++ C++
    • Kotlin Kotlin
    • OpenCV OpenCV
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
    • Openvino Openvino
    • Kubeflow Kubeflow
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Occipital - 10 månader

    • Development of ROS and ROS2 drivers for RGB-D camera.


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
  • Senior Machine Learning Engineer

    Samsung R&D Institute - 1 år 3 månader

    • Development of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for an autonomous vehicle.
    • Development of an object-detection algorithm for an autonomous vehicle based on deep learning technologies.
    • Development of traffic signs recognition algorithm for an autonomous vehicle based on deep learning technologies.
    • Improved accuracy of the initial open source solution by 5% by fusion of camera and lidar data.
    • Improved accuracy of the initial open source solution by 20% and inference speed was decreased by 30% by redesign of Neural Network architecture and improved training strategy.


    • Teknologier:
    • NumPy NumPy
    • Python Python
    • Caffe Caffe
    • C++ C++
    • Keras Keras
    • OpenCV OpenCV
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
  • Machine Learning Engineer

    PrivatBank - 7 månader

    • Development of a computer vision solution for an automatic line of people detection and counting.


    • Teknologier:
    • NumPy NumPy
    • Python Python
    • Caffe Caffe
    • XGBoost XGBoost
  • Software Engineer

    LightIt - 10 månader

    • Development of a web-application with data analytics tools.


    • Teknologier:
    • Python Python
  • Mathematical Engineer

    JSC Zaporizhstal - 1 år 9 månader

    • Development of a model of gas recirculation in sintering furnace and its implementation in the controller.
    • Development of a system for information gathering about all expenses of resources in a plant.


    • Teknologier:
    • Python Python
    • SQL SQL
    • C++ C++


  • Doctor Of PhilosophyMachine learning

    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev · 2018 - 2022

  • MSc.Machine Learning

    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev · 2012 - 2014

  • BSc.Automatisering och datorintegrerad teknik

    Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy · 2008 - 2012

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