Facundo Y.
Facundo är en backend-utvecklare med sju års kommersiell erfarenhet, specialiserad på Golang. Hans djupa expertis inom Golang gör att han kan bygga robusta, högpresterande backend-system och använda enhetstestning och designprinciper för att skriva ren och underhållbar kod.
Hans expertis sträcker sig till DevOps, där han har arbetat med Azure-tjänster, CI/CD-verktyg och containeriseringstekniker.
Förutom sina starka backend-färdigheter är Facundo skicklig på frontend-tekniker som Angular och TypeScript, vilket gör att han kan bidra effektivt över hela utvecklingsstacken.
Huvudsaklig expertis
- Scrum 7 år
- Golang 7 år
- Git 7 år
Andra kompetenser
- Docker 5 år
- TypeScript 5 år
- JavaScript 5 år
Utvald erfarenhet
Backend Developer
DEUS Iberia - 1 år 9 månader
Project: Influencer Monitor
Implemented backend functionalities for a web platform for social media scraping, using Go as the main technology.
Developed campaign management systems that allow clients to customize scraping parameters and created a robust scheduler for daily scraping operations.
Contributed to a platform that enables clients to visualize and filter scraped content from multiple platforms, helping them detect and correct agreement violations, identify new influencers, and demonstrate regulatory compliance to government agencies.
Used Microsoft Azure for DevOps tasks, ensuring efficient platform deployment and scalability. Implemented Terraform for standardized infrastructure provisioning and GitHub Actions for automated deployments, integrating code quality assurance measures such as linting, formatting, and testing.
Technologies: Golang, Github Actions, Microsoft Azure, Docker, Terraform
Project: Shell Markers Catalogue
Developed the backend of a prototype for Shell using Go and PostgreSQL, enabling the visualization and filtering of data markers based on information from the Shell Chemicals Pricing Toolkit website.
- Teknologier:
Fullstack Developer
Omnia Salud - 2 år 7 månader
- Developed and implemented new features in a healthcare web application using primarily Golang and AngularJS, enhancing system efficiency and streamlining access to medical records and appointment management.
- Designed and optimized administration modules enabling administrators to create users and send automatic email notifications, thus boosting administrative efficiency and communication with patients.
- Created a patient portal for viewing medical history and managing appointments, enhancing user experience and accessibility to personal health information.
- Implemented improvements in revenue management, fees, and consumption generated from appointments, allowing for data manipulation and optimizing clinic accounting and financial management.
- Teknologier:
Fullstack Developer
Baufest - 2 år
Client: La Nación
Developed and maintained a logistics application in ASP.NET Core and C# for managing shipping, receiving, billing, and claims of newspapers and magazines, optimizing workflow and reducing order processing time.
Implemented and expanded functionalities in a commercial application for managing advertisements on television, internet, and newspapers, enhancing management efficiency and increasing customer satisfaction.
Performed maintenance and bug resolution on both applications, ensuring system stability and improving the end-user experience.
Client: AySA
Contributed to developing a comprehensive water and sewerage cut management system for AySA, participating in all project stages from programming to implementation, using Angular 6, C#, and SQL Server.
Collaborated on designing and developing essential features such as user creation, delineation of cut areas, identification of affected neighborhoods, and selection of impacted operational areas, ensuring functionality and usability.
Successfully implemented an email notification system to inform users about relevant events, improving communication and transparency in water and sewerage service management.
Client: Cencosud
Developed a desktop application in C# for Cencosud, allowing users to redeem card points at associated supermarkets in line with established agreements.
Implemented a comprehensive system for scale labeling in supermarkets, improving process efficiency and ensuring accuracy in product management.
- Teknologier:
Standalone courseComputer science
Jobie FP · 2022 - 2024
BSc.Computer science
UNED · 2021 - 2027
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