Márk Ö.

Embedded Engineer

Mark is an experienced Embedded Software Engineer with a strong background in C/C++, RTOS, and bare-metal firmware development. He has built deep expertise across industries such as automotive, industrial automation, and IoT, developing high-performance and safety-critical embedded systems.

His career began in the automotive sector, where he played a key role in developing platform software for electric power steering systems. He later specialized in firmware design for DSPs in automotive electrification projects, gaining proficiency in communication protocols such as CAN, SPI, I2C, and EtherCAT.

With broad industry exposure and a keen focus on embedded security, Mark combines a strong foundation in core embedded systems with a growing commitment to securing connected devices in an increasingly interconnected world.

Huvudsaklig expertis
  • C++
    C++ 5 år
  • Python
    Python 4 år
  • TI-RTOS 2 år
Andra kompetenser
  • Raspberry Pi
    Raspberry Pi 2 år
  • Embedded Systems Design 2 år
  • Security 1 år
Márk Ö.


Hitta en utvecklare

Utvald erfarenhet


  • Software development engineer

    Balluff-Elektronika Kft. - 2 år 1 månad

    Embedded firmware design and development in C/C++ Working with industrial automation products using IO-Link and Ethernet • Assist with designing the architecture of a commonly used platform • Implement new features for IO-Link master devices • Maintain modules and ensure conformance to specifications


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • Python Python
    • C C
    • Embedded systems
  • Applications engineer

    Silicon Laboratories Hungary Kft. - 10 månader

    Embedded, wireless IoT application development in C/C++ Supporting customers with wireless application development • Bluetooth LE and Mesh application development • Writing application notes and guides for Silabs products • Support with complex issues


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • C C
  • Software developer engineer

    AVL Hungary Kft - 2 år 9 månader

    Embedded software development in C/C++ Automotive electrification related projects

    • Firmware development for DSPs
    • Software architecture design
    • Implementing communication protocols • Hardware bring-up, debugging • Support tool development • Platformisation, maintaining generic HAL repository


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • Python Python
    • C C
    • Embedded systems
  • Software developer

    thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft - 1 år 4 månader

    Embedded, safety-critical platform software and automated test development for electric power assisted steering systems with regards to MISRA using: • AUTOSAR RTE • Eclipse IDE • IBM DOORS • Enterprise Architect • SVN • Jenkins


    • Teknologier:
    • C C
    • Embedded systems


  • Standalone courseSoftware Developer

    Codecool · 2017 - 2018

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