Tomek J.
Tomek är en fullstack-utvecklare med över 17 års kommersiell erfarenhet. Under sin karriär har han gått från PHP till att bemästra moderna teknikstackar, med fokus på Vue.js och Node.js under de senaste sex åren. Hans expertis inom dessa teknologier har varit avgörande för utvecklingen och underhållet av robusta, högtrafikerade system.
Som teknisk chef på en webbutvecklingsbyrå i över ett decennium ledde Tomek framgångsrikt ett team på 12–17 personer och övervakade projekt för framstående kunder i olika sektorer. Hans ledarskaps- och tekniska färdigheter har konsekvent fått beröm från Proxifys kunder för hans framstående bidrag och effektiva projektledning.
Huvudsaklig expertis
- JavaScript 15 år
- Node.js 3 år
- Vue.js 6 år
Andra kompetenser
- Koa 3 år
- Express.js 3 år
- Nest.js 1 år
Utvald erfarenhet
Technical Director
i3MEDIA LTD - 11 år 11 månader
- Designed features and set requirements for the development team.
- Developed advanced and mission-critical features.
- Conducted code reviews and provided support for other developers/front-end teams.
- Led technical meetings with clients to discuss project needs and solutions.
- Estimated time and costs for projects.
- Designed and maintained infrastructure, focusing on automation in GCP for the past 10 years.
- Developed a multi-channel eCommerce solution for platforms like eBay, Amazon, and web, including modules for optimal pricing, product definitions, shipping rules, promotions, and integrations with couriers and warehousing solutions.
- Created a public sector CMS with features like content versioning, advanced access control, publishing flows, widget-based content editor, dynamic forms, and payment integrations, widely used by councils for citizen interactions.
- Built a charity donation platform, integrated with MS Dynamics and Gov.UK, still in use by several medium to large charities in the UK.
- Managed a project management tool for media agencies, used internally for four years, offering more features than Basecamp/TeamWork.
- Developed an SEO campaign management tool for marketing agencies, integrating with various online marketing tools and offering features like report generation, prospect negotiations, content writing, time tracking, and campaign planning.
- Delivered numerous bespoke websites, including penny auctions, online poster design, search directories, award applications, recruitment platforms, and more.
- Teknologier:
Google Cloud
Web developer, then Lead developer
i3MEDIA - 3 år 2 månader
i3MEDIA was a small agency building websites for local businesses.
- Developed first bespoke CMS which became the core product, the second version of which were lucky enough to implement on some nationally recognised websites in 2010.
- Teknologier:
Web developer
Freelance - 2 år
- Managed to complete 3 commercial projects.
- Teknologier:
MSc.Computer Science @ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Łódź · 2002 - 2006
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