Evgeni D.


Evgeni er en meget dygtig backend-udvikler med 10 års kommerciel erfaring og ekspertise i Ruby on Rails og Ruby.

Han har bidraget til en række brancher, herunder bankvæsen, e-handel, handel/forex, platforme til opbygning af websteder og regnskab. En af hans mest bemærkelsesværdige præstationer er, at han selvstændigt har opbygget Price Crawling-projektet fra bunden, hvor han udviklede et backend-system til at indsamle og samle priser og produktoplysninger fra forskellige websteder, så brugerne kan overvåge prisændringer på tværs af forskellige produkter.

Evgeni har også erfaring med teamledelse, hvor han fremmer samarbejdet i udviklingsteams for at sikre en vellykket projektgennemførelse. Hans fremadrettede interesser omfatter udforskning af AI, medicinsk behandling og DevOps, hvor han søger at udvide sin viden og indflydelse.

  • PHP
    PHP 4 år
  • Ruby on Rails
    Ruby on Rails 10 år
  • Ruby
    Ruby 8 år
Andre færdigheder
  • Grafana
    Grafana 4 år
  • eCommerce 2 år
  • Terraform
    Terraform 2 år
Evgeni D.


Match med udvikler her

Udvalgt oplevelse


  • Team Lead

    Dext - 8 flere år 9 måneder

    • Started as a senior developer and subsequently took on leadership roles within the company;

    • Led two teams with responsibilities including project coordination, task assignment, and ensuring timely delivery of projects;

    • Initiated and oversaw the onboarding process, mentoring new hires primarily through pairing sessions;

    • Progressed to a leadership position over a small team of four individuals, facilitating improved communication between developers and stakeholders;

    • Took charge of refining the delivery process, implementing changes that enhanced project efficiency and collaboration;

    • Conducted comprehensive code reviews to maintain code quality and adherence to best practices;

    • Facilitated knowledge sharing and skill development through consistent pairing sessions;

    • Played a pivotal role in defining the technical direction and architectural decisions for the projects;

    • Leveraged technologies such as Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, and CoffeeScript to drive project development and innovation;


    • Teknologier:
    • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
    • Redis Redis
    • SQL SQL
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • AWS AWS
    • Team leading
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • Docker Docker
    • CSS CSS
    • HTML / CSS
  • Lead Ruby Developer

    Puzl - 1 år 6 måneder

    • Led and managed a team consisting of five members through a significant project involving the migration of a site builder from PHP to Ruby on Rails;

    • Oversaw the entire development lifecycle, from planning and design to implementation and deployment;

    • Defined project milestones, allocated tasks, and ensured the team's adherence to timelines and quality standards;

    • Monitored code quality, guided technical decisions, and facilitated knowledge sharing within the team;


    • Teknologier:
    • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
    • Ruby Ruby
    • Redis Redis
    • SQL SQL
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Team leading
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • CSS CSS
    • HTML / CSS
  • Ruby on Rails / UI Developer / DevOps

    Tradeo - 2 flere år 3 måneder

    • Played a key role as a Ruby on Rails and UI Developer with a focus on enhancing the user interface of the FOREX trading platform;

    • Utilized JavaScript and other relevant technologies to implement and optimize the UI components of the trading platform;

    • Leveraged expertise in DevOps practices to streamline and optimize the company's operational processes;

    • Leveraged Puppet to automate configuration management, deployment, and scaling of various system components;

    • Introduced KVM virtualization to streamline resource allocation and management within the infrastructure;


    • Teknologier:
    • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
    • Ruby Ruby
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • DevOps DevOps
  • Developer

    ProCredit Bank - 1 år 6 måneder

    • Played a pivotal role as a developer in contributing to the design, coding, and maintenance of software applications;

    • Participated actively in code reviews, offering constructive feedback and ensuring code quality and consistency;

    • Debugged and resolved technical issues, conducting thorough testing to identify and rectify bugs and errors;

    • Assisted in documenting software architecture, codebase, and implementation details for future reference;

    • Participated in team meetings, providing insights, updates and contributing to discussions related to technical challenges and solutions;

    • Supported the maintenance and enhancement of existing software, addressing user feedback and making necessary improvements;


    • Teknologier:
    • PHP PHP
    • JavaScript JavaScript

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