Furkan K.
Furkan er fullstack-ingeniør med seks års kommerciel erfaring og har specialiseret sig i Python og JavaScript-baserede frameworks.
Hans involvering i alle faser af udviklingen af websystemer har givet ham en omfattende forståelse af både frontend- og backend-processer. Furkan har en MSc i Software Management fra METU, hvilket afspejler hans akademiske resultater inden for området.
Han har en dokumenteret erfaring med at levere enestående resultater for Proxifys kunder, og han opfylder og overgår konsekvent kundernes forventninger gennem sin ekspertise og sans for detaljer.
- CSS 6 år
- AWS 2 år
- Machine Learning 3 år
Andre færdigheder
Udvalgt oplevelse
Software Developer
Histify AG - 1 år
Resolved support tickets created by customers.
Created ETL pipelines to fulfill customer needs.
Managed customer data effectively.
- Teknologier:
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Vue.js
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Django
Software Developer
Fabasoft 4teamwork AG - 1 år
Managed the MyColex and OpenDLS projects.
Implemented new features and resolved customer support tickets.
Participated in the product deployment stages.
Configured Kubernetes clusters and used Grafana to analyze system behavior in production and testing environments.
- Teknologier:
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Vue.js
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Django
Fullstack Engineer
Proxify - 1 år
Developed clean and maintainable backend applications using the Django framework.
Designed and implemented modern, testable frontend applications with Vue.js.
Utilized Docker for containerization to improve application deployment and scalability.
Worked with PostgreSQL for relational database management.
Integrated Apache Solr to enhance search functionality and performance.
- Teknologier:
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Vue.js
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Django
Fullstack Engineer
OpenZeka Technology - 4 flere år
Developed the performance-optimized, containerized, and maintainable backend and frontend applications.
Integration of relational databases.
Automated test integration in both frontend and backend.
Intuitive and clean UI/UX design.
Optimized video and data stream with low latency and high quality.
Multithread programming in Python.
Developed the Cordatus platform.
Performed backend and frontend stacks using the latest web technologies.
Developed a Cross-platform client app.
Performed optimization strategies, testing strategies, and designing and implementing integration tests for all modules and other servers that keep the system alive, such as monitoring server and connection server for handling p2p connection.
- Teknologier:
- Machine Learning
- Node.js
- Vue.js
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Flask
- TypeScript
- Nuxt.js
Fullstack Engineer Intern
OpenZeka Technology - 2 flere år
Developed various deep-learning applications using Tensorflow and Keras.
Worked under Ferhat Kurt to develop a hyperparameter optimization algorithm to carry out the classification work on the VGG19 network using the Imagenet dataset.
Developed a face-recognition system using ResNet50 and Facenet algorithm.
Worked on the initial stage of the Cordatus project.
Built a backend application and Front-end applications.
- Teknologier:
- JavaScript
MSc.Software management
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey) · 2019 - 2022
Doctor Of PhilosophyPhD in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey) · 2019 - 2024
BSc.Computer Science
Gazi Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey) · 2015 - 2019
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