Péter V.


Péter er softwareingeniør og senior løsningsarkitekt med 20 års erfaring i at designe og implementere kvalitetssoftware. Han har ekspertise i Java, løsningsarkitektur og Linux-systemer.

Han startede som juniorudvikler og arbejdede sig op gennem forskellige projekter for førende virksomheder som Raiffeisen Bank, Sberbank, National Food Chain Safety Office og Groupama Insurance.

Han udviklede en internetbank og mobilbank (DirektNet), applikationsudvikling og arkitektur ved hjælp af agile metoder for Raiffeisen, introducerede sikkerheds- og autentificeringsløsninger på højere niveau og servicebaseret udvikling af interne informationsportaler ved hjælp af Java-teknologier og beskedbrokere og introducerede nye applikationsservere.

  • Java
    Java 15 år
  • Agile
    Agile 5 år
  • Solution Architecture 8 år
Andre færdigheder
  • QA 8 år
  • Jenkins
    Jenkins 8 år
  • Hibernate
    Hibernate 5 år
Péter V.


Match med udvikler her

Udvalgt oplevelse


  • Senior Java Backend Developer

    Kyndryl - 3 flere år 2 måneder

    Kyndryl is an IT Solutions & Services company based in New York, USA.

    • Building a new Software Development Division for the company

    • Working in a very transforming environment, learning a lot and keeping myself to the fundamental cultural principles of the company

    • Design and implement new features, full stack. Introduce agile methodology, and improve scaled agile processes and development methods


    • Teknologier:
    • Java Java
    • Agile Agile
    • Spring Boot Spring Boot
    • Azure Azure
    • Angular Angular
  • Engineering Manager / Senior Architect

    Guidance Zrt - 8 flere år

    Guidance Creative IT is an IT solutions provider planning, implementing, and operating integrated software like financial portals on the net.

    • Manage software development projects and manage developers mainly using the Java/JEE stack and Magnolia CMS with both cloud and on-premises environments and microservices architecture

    • Designed new solutions, features, and refactoring projects

    • Liaised with clients on feature needs and coordinated third-party integrations

    • Major clients included Raiffeisen Bank, National Food Chain Safety Office, Sberbank, Groupama Insurance, and Medela Switzerland

    • Major projects included: Internet bank and mobile bank (DirektNet) application development and architecture using agile methodology for Raiffeisen, introducing higher level security and authentication solutions

    • Design and introduction of a new microservice-based middleware framework for Groupama Insurance, reviewing development and creating integration applications

    • Design and development of catch register application for NFCSO, introducing fishing license management


    • Teknologier:
    • Java Java
    • Solution Architecture
    • Team leading
  • Software Engineer / Architect

    Guidance Zrt - 10 flere år

    Interware Zrt. is a telecom service provider in Hungary. Main services includes server hosting, ADSL and leased line internet access, domain services, VOIP services and voice termination.

    • Developed enterprise applications such as intranets, CRM systems, and data integrations for mainly banking clients

    • Major clients include Raiffeisen Bank, Volksbank, and Budapest Bank

    • Major project: Services-based internal information portal development, using Java technologies and message brokers, introducing new application servers


    • Teknologier:
    • Java Java
    • Soap
  • Software Developer

    Magyar Cetelem Bank Rt - 1 år

    Cetelem is the major commercial brand of BNP Paribas Personal Finance, the BNP Paribas Group subsidiary leader in personal financing in France and Europe.

    • Generated reports in SAS, writing macros for automation

    • Developed plugins in C for the credit evaluation application


  • Standalone courseAzure Fundamentals

    Microsoft · 2022 - 2022

  • BSc.Communications

    Zsigmond Király College · 2014 - 2017

  • Standalone courseLean Green Belt training

    Lean Production Kft · 2014 - 2014

  • BSc.Economics and Business studies (unfinished)

    Corvinus University Budapest · 1995 - 1997

  • Standalone courseAdvanced Computer Programmer certificate

    Alternative Secondary School of Economics (AKG) · 1995 - 1995

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