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Junaid B.

Backend Developer

Junaid is a seasoned Web Application and Backend Developer with over eight years of experience, primarily focusing on Golang technologies.

His expertise includes design patterns, best practices for Golang, and hands-on experience in system design and deployment for production environments.

Junaid has a strong understanding of microservices-based architecture and has significantly contributed to transitioning monolithic applications into scalable, efficient systems. He plays a crucial role in product development, consistently collaborating with his team and mentoring junior developers. His extensive experience includes designing workflows and scalable architectures, particularly in the logistics and data sectors.

Main expertise
  • Postman
    Postman 4 years
  • JSON
    JSON 6 years
  • JUnit
    JUnit 3 years
Other skills
  • Jira
    Jira 4 years
  • Grafana
    Grafana 3 years
  • MongoDB
    MongoDB 3 years
Junaid B.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Golang Engineer | Tech Lead - 5 years

    • Spearheaded backend development using Golang, proficiently creating microservices and facilitating seamless communication among diverse microservices.
    • Adept at comprehending and implementing third-party documentation, showcasing a high level of proficiency in integrations, and utilizing Goroutines and channels for concurrent data processing.
    • Wrote a microservice in Java for connecting different databases, with all connections to that service handled through gRPC.
    • Implements system health monitoring through Golang, ensuring optimal multithreading levels for sustained performance.
    • Leverages Golang to mount NFS and SMB directories, streamlining the fetching of directory files.
    • Employs gRPC for effective communication with other microservices and utilizes socket programming to interact with specific services.
    • Builds and maintains automated testing frameworks to ensure code quality and reliability and implements CI/CD pipelines to streamline deployment and delivery processes.
    • Adheres to Agile/Scrum methodologies for efficient project management, ensuring the timely delivery of high-quality software solutions.


    • Technologies:
    • Postman Postman
    • GraphQL GraphQL
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • BigQuery BigQuery
    • API
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Grafana Grafana
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Unit Testing
    • MariaDB MariaDB
    • Load testing
    • Salesforce Salesforce
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Gorm Gorm
    • OAuth2 OAuth2
    • MongoDB MongoDB
    • Team leading
    • Docker Docker
    • Redis Redis
    • AWS AWS
    • gRPC gRPC
    • Git Git
    • Golang Golang
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Microservices
  • Backend Developer

    Careem - 3 years 5 months

    • Plays a pivotal role in transforming a monolithic application into a distributed system of microservices for a ride-hailing service.
    • Leads the development and ownership of three key microservices, actively involved in the entire lifecycle - from coding and reviewing to deployment.
    • Implements a robust Blue-Green deployment strategy, ensuring seamless transitions and minimizing service disruptions.
    • Introduces the Spring Circuit Breaker pattern and integrates the Hystrix dashboard for monitoring Spring microservices, enhancing system resilience and reliability.
    • Integrates Prometheus and New Relic for comprehensive monitoring, enabling proactive issue identification and resolution.
    • Implements an API Gateway to streamline communication between microservices, enhancing overall system efficiency.
    • Successfully integrates third-party applications using SOAP/WSDL, ensuring seamless interoperability with external services.
    • Implements distributed logging using Kibana/EFK, improving visibility into system activities across the microservices architecture.


    • Technologies:
    • Postman Postman
    • JUnit JUnit
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • API
    • Agile Agile
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Jira Jira
    • Unit Testing
    • Scrum Scrum
    • DynamoDB DynamoDB
    • MySQL MySQL
    • Docker Docker
    • AWS AWS
    • Git Git
    • Spring Boot Spring Boot
    • Spring Spring
    • Java Java
    • Microservices


  • BSc.Computer Science

    FAST National University · 2009 - 2013

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