Builders: The podcast where we discuss the ups and downs of building great tech products Stream here

Vakhtang N.

Frontend Developer

Software Engineer with 4+ years of experience, specializing in React development. Active community contributor, lecturer, mentor, and early adopter. Hungry for knowledge and self-development in all aspects of life.

Founder of the biggest React Community in Georgia. Trying to group like-minded people with similar passions and problems to share and help each other.

Main expertise
  • React.js
    React.js 5 years
Other skills
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 6 years
  • HTML
    HTML 6 years
  • Redux.js
    Redux.js 5 years
Vakhtang N.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Front-end Developer

    Flat Rock Technology - 6 months

    • Working closely with business analysts and designers to better understand and meet the business requirements;
    • Developed many reusable components and integrated some of the best libraries to achieve best practices and maintainable code;
    • Successfully Integrated Context API to improve state management and ease the flow of the application;
    • Using code splitting for better performance.


    • Technologies:
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • JavaScript JavaScript
  • Full-stack Developer

    Pulsar AI - 5 months

    • Successfully refactored and solved memory management problems and performance issues;
    • Integrated DRY principle;
    • Built new components and APIs for company inline tools.


    • Technologies:
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
  • React Developer

    Intrro - 1 year

    • Built most of the application from scratch;
    • Rewrote the old, existing code from class-based components to function-based ones;
    • Solved performance issues;
    • Integrated Redux for state management and Redux-Saga for better readability and testing;
    • Cut bundle size almost in half by removing unnecessary code, integrating lazy loading, building reusable dummy components, and using memoization.


    • Technologies:
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
  • Front-end Developer

    Respo - 6 months

    Building websites and web applications according to the client's needs.


    • Technologies:
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
  • Junior Front-end Developer

    TechnFix - 1 year 3 months

    Built a company's website so the clients could visit it, view the company’s credentials, what and how the company was doing everything, book services, and so on.


    • Technologies:
    • JavaScript JavaScript


  • MSc.Information Technologies

    Tbilisi State University · 2019 - 2021

  • BSc.Computer Science

    Tbilisi State University · 2014 - 2019

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