Mehmet Ş.

Data Engineer

Mehmet est un ingénieur en données compétent qui a cinq ans d'expérience dans les secteurs de la finance, des télécommunications et du commerce électronique en Turquie.

Il a constamment démontré sa capacité à concevoir et à mettre en œuvre des systèmes de traitement de données à haute performance qui traitent efficacement des données à grande échelle.

L'une des réalisations les plus remarquables de Mehmet est la création d'une application basée sur Java qui identifie les articles commandés éligibles aux promotions de livraison gratuite. Ce système traite les événements de commande à partir de Kafka, interagit avec le service Rise Simulate Apply par le biais d'appels API et envoie les réponses API vers un sujet Kafka distinct, ce qui garantit un traitement précis et rationalisé des données.

Outre ses réalisations techniques, Mehmet est profondément passionné par l'industrie du jeu. Il est impatient d'approfondir ses connaissances en matière de métrologie et d'analyse des jeux afin de contribuer à l'amélioration de l'expérience des joueurs.

Principale expertise
  • Apache Kafka
    Apache Kafka 4 ans
  • BigQuery
    BigQuery 4 ans
  • CSV 4 ans
Autres compétences
  • Apache Airflow
    Apache Airflow 1 ans
  • Apache Spark
    Apache Spark 1 ans
Mehmet Ş.



Expérience sélectionnée


  • DWH Developer

    Trendyol Group - 6 années 3 mois

    • Extracted data from various data sources(PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server, Couchbase DB, SAP Hana, Kafka, APIs, Web Pages) by using internally developed data ingestion tools, cdc tools, Kafka Connect and Python scripts;

    • Developed ELT processes on Vertica;

    • Developed ELT processes on BigQuery;

    • Migrated Vertica ELT processes to BigQuery;

    • Developed Python scripts for automating internal processes;

    • Developed Java programs to move data in and out of Kafka (Developed SMTs for Kafka Connect, developed Kafka Streams programs);

    • Maintained Kafka Connect clusters;

    • Supported other teams for query performance tuning, data access etc;

    • Made small proof of concepts for open source tools like Apache Airflow, Azkaban, Prefect;

    • Contributed to internal data infrastructure codebase.

    Highlighted Projects:

    Took part in establishing new businesses in the financial services area and creating sub-companies for those businesses to meet regulatory requirements. Specifically, they played a role in building the data infrastructure for one of the newly established companies.

    Additionally, developed a Kafka Streams program in Java that reads order events from Kafka and uses an API to determine which order items received free shipping promotions. The program writes the API responses to another Kafka topic.

    Another project involved exporting all SQL scripts in the repo to Vertica and BigQuery tables for impact analysis and lineage. To identify which hand is running in a scheduler, Mehmet developed a Python script that flags scheduled scripts and includes scheduler metadata, such as the script's current flow or DAG and Cron Expression, to enrich their tables and help analysts make better impact analyses.

    Lastly, as part of a microservices transformation at Trendyol, Mehmet designed and implemented a new data pipeline for the Coupon system, which switched its backend from the MSSQL Server to Couchbase DB. The new system produces approximately 10 - 15 GBs of change each day.

  • BI Consultant

    I2I Systems - 1 an 3 mois

    i2i Systems is an international information technology company. That specializes in developing innovative ideas and solutions, with its highly experienced team in the Telecommunications industry, it offers a diverse variety of products in Telco OSS/BSS domains, as well as 5G network solutions.

    Vodafone DWH Reengineering Project:

    • Developed ETL processes via Ab Initio (Acquire>It, MDW);
    • Developed Bash scripts;
    • Developed PL/SQL procedures;
    • Developed Excel VBA programs for automating UC4 flow creation processes;
    • Supported testing and reconciliation processes Volkswagen Doğuş Finans DWH Project;
    • Created SSIS packages for ETL processes;
    • Developed SQL stored procedures.


  • License ès sciencesIndustrial Engineering (%30 English Program)

    Yıldız Technical University · 2011 - 2016

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