Giorgi B.

Data Scientist

Giorgi är en erfaren Senior Data Scientist med sex års erfarenhet som specialiserat sig på HR-teknik, molnbaserade POS-system, SaaS, cloud computing, e-handel och AI-teknik.

Giorgi har bland annat implementerat bearbetning av naturligt språk för att förbättra anställningsprocesser och värva nya medarbetare genom att matcha jobbkrav med lämpliga kandidater. Detta initiativ har avsevärt optimerat rekryteringsverksamheten och förbättrat remissprocessen.

Under hela sin karriär har Giorgi främst arbetat i Georgien, men har även bidragit till projekt i USA, Storbritannien och Förenade Arabemiraten genom uppdrag på distans.

Huvudsaklig expertis
  • Scrapy
    Scrapy 5 år
  • Selenium
    Selenium 5 år
  • Data Science 6 år
Andra kompetenser
  • AWS S3
    AWS S3 5 år
  • DevOps
    DevOps 5 år
  • Data Engineering 5 år
Giorgi B.


Hitta en utvecklare

Utvald erfarenhet


  • ML Engineer with focus on NLP tasks

    LA Holding GmbH (via Proxify) - 2 månader

    • Developing and implementing NLP (Natural Language Processing) models.
    • Utilizing Python for machine learning and data processing tasks.
    • Working with TensorFlow and PyTorch for model development and training.
    • Implementing machine learning solutions on AWS, using services like EC2 and S3.
    • Managing databases with PostgreSQL.
    • Building APIs using FastAPI for application integration.
    • Handling asynchronous tasks with Celery.
    • Integrating and leveraging the ChatGPT API for advanced NLP functionalities.
    • Employing RabbitMQ to handle message queuing requirements.


    • Teknologier:
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • ChatGPT API ChatGPT API
    • Python Python
    • PyTorch
    • RabbitMQ RabbitMQ
    • Celery Celery
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • NLP
    • AWS AWS
    • AWS EC2 AWS EC2
    • FastAPI FastAPI
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
    • Machine Learning Machine Learning
  • Senior Data Scientist

    Intrro - 5 år 2 månader

    • Implemented neural language processing techniques to optimize the hiring process and improve employee referrals by matching job requirements with suitable candidates from employee LinkedIn contacts.
    • Trained and deployed deep learning models to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data-driven decision-making in the employee referral program.
    • Conducted data scraping and processing to curate relevant datasets for training deep learning models, contributing to the development of sophisticated algorithms and solutions for talent acquisition.
    • Proficiently deployed Python services using Flask, FastAPI, Celery, RabbitMQ, and Cronjobs for seamless integration and process automation.


    • Teknologier:
    • Neo4j Neo4j
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • ChatGPT API ChatGPT API
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Scrapy Scrapy
    • Selenium Selenium
    • Python Python
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • Flask Flask
    • PyTorch
    • RabbitMQ RabbitMQ
    • Celery Celery
    • Scikit-learn Scikit-learn
    • MongoDB MongoDB
    • NLP
    • AWS AWS
    • Google Cloud Google Cloud
    • Team leading
    • FastAPI FastAPI
    • API
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
  • Data Scientist

    Franpos - 6 månader

    • Leveraged deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow to engineer advanced algorithms that accurately identified and tracked customers, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience within the cloud-based POS and business management system.
    • Adeptly managed databases using PostgreSQL and MS SQL to store and retrieve crucial data, ensuring data integrity and efficient access.
    • Demonstrated a dynamic combination of computer vision engineering, Python development, and machine learning expertise at Franpos, resulting in a robust facial detection and tracking system within the cloud-based POS and business management system.
    • Trained and deployed deep learning models to enhance accuracy and efficiency in data-driven decision-making for the employee referral program.
    • Conducted data scraping and processing to curate relevant datasets for training deep learning models, contributing to the development of sophisticated talent acquisition algorithms and solutions.
    • Proficiently deployed Python services using Flask, FastAPI, Celery, RabbitMQ, and Cronjobs for seamless integration and process automation.


    • Teknologier:
    • Scrapy Scrapy
    • Selenium Selenium
    • Python Python
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • Flask Flask
    • SQL SQL
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • MySQL MySQL
    • Computer Vision
    • FastAPI FastAPI
    • API
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Machine Learning Machine Learning
    • Azure Azure


  • MSc.Computer Science

    Tbilisi State University · 2021 - 2024

  • BSc.Computer Science

    Tbilisi State University · 2015 - 2019

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