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Hussain A.


Fullstack-utvecklare med mer än 10 års kommersiell erfarenhet, främst inom Microsoft-stacken.

Han är en hårt arbetande utvecklare med känsla för att skapa eleganta lösningar på kortast möjliga tid.

Huvudsaklig expertis
  • .NET
    .NET 5 år
  • C#
    C# 5 år
  • C++
    C++ 5 år
Andra kompetenser
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 3 år
  • .NET Sitecore
    .NET Sitecore 3 år
  • Oracle
    Oracle 3 år
Hussain A.


Hitta en utvecklare

Utvald erfarenhet


  • Software Engineer

    OFX - 1 år

    • Working in the Payments Out team, our work involved upgrading the legacy system and its moving parts to .Net Core microservices while juggling BAU work;
    • Microservices are in .Net Core APIs and Lambdas with their own deployment scripts for AWS cloud formation;
    • Utilized many AWS offerings such as SNS, SQS queues, ECS, EC2, ELB and RDS.


    • Teknologier:
    • .NET .NET
    • AWS AWS
    • Microservices
  • Software Engineer

    Willow Inc - 1 år 6 månader

    • Development of new features and bug fixing for Willow’s early products and their moving parts;
    • Worked extensively with React and backend APIs on a high-profile integration with one of Microsoft’s buildings;
    • Ported all projects from their Teamcity/Cake format to full Azure DevOps CI/CD with YAML.


    • Teknologier:
    • .NET .NET
    • React.js React.js
    • Azure Azure
  • .Net Developer

    InfoTrack Australia - 1 år 7 månader

    • Development of Victoria Courts system.
    • Developed, designed, and gathered specifications and liaised between stakeholders;
    • Ecos Business – Re-using existing solutions to build a new interactive online form for electronic signing between Purchasers and Vendors.
    • Developed robustly as well as designed smoothly, was praised as a big improvement from the original existing solution.


    • Teknologier:
    • Docker Docker
  • Software Developer

    Affinity Employer Services - 2 år 3 månader

    • Enhancing and maintaining CleverForms and CleverWorkflow which are online work-flowed forms that replace paper trails;
    • Utilised Agile and Scrum methodologies with daily sprint meetings;
    • Took responsibility for around 2 dozen applications and solutions, big and small, and took initiative to maintain them and monitor problems and bugs;
    • Balanced new product/feature development with maintenance from the Help Desk. Prioritization determined via communication with related parties;
    • Was heavily involved in the Refresh project which involved 2 weeks of moving across all applications, data, databases, and configurations to new servers.


    • Teknologier:
    • C# C#
  • Software Developer

    IMS Health - 2 år 9 månader

    • Implementation of projects & enhancements from design document that involved research, development, testing, and maintenance. Also bug fixing of various modules.
    • Working with ASP.NET C# (Single page) to develop for computers and Mobile devices.
    • Using metadata for all controls on the webpage to allow for a vast amount of customisation and configuration. Oracle, T-SQL, and SQLite were supported.
    • Advanced debugging of C#, C++, and JavaScript across many browsers and devices.
    • Supervised a trainee to guide, support, and assign work that is appropriate to their skill level as well as ensuring progress and productivity.


    • Teknologier:
    • C# C#
    • C++ C++
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • Oracle Oracle
    • SQL SQL


  • BSc.Software Engineering

    University of Auckland · 2007 - 2011

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