Mykyta S.
Nick er en anden af vores længst siddende udviklere, han er talentfuld og ekstremt nem at arbejde sammen med. Han har dyb viden om Laravel og JavaScript og der er en ægte entusiasme for disse teknologier.
Nick er mest effektiv, når han arbejder med PHP. Selv om hans hovedkompetence derfor ligger i backend-siden af webudvikling, har han også en passion for Vue.js og kan lide at programmere frontend-aspekter af et design ved hjælp af JavaScript. I løbet af de sidste par år har han udviklet og integreret forskellige API'er, altid efter DRY- og SOLID-principper.
Hver tirsdag deltager Nick i en taleklub med indfødte amerikanere og briter. Det kan man mærke, når man taler med Nick - han taler og skriver engelsk på et højt niveau.
Dette, kombineret med imponerende teknisk kompetencer, gør Nick til en meget efterspurgt ressource. I hele den tid, vi har arbejdet sammen med ham, har han altid været til rådighed i den aftalte tidsramme og har vist et reelt engagement i det arbejde, han har udført.
- PHP 8 år
- MySQL 4 år
- Laravel 6 år
Andre færdigheder
- Scrum 5 år
- AWS 4 år
- RabbitMQ 4 år
Udvalgt oplevelse
Backend Team Lead
Sweetspot - 11 måneder
- Conducted 20 technical interviews for backend candidates, assessing their skills and suitability for positions within the team;
- Oversaw the work of developers, ensuring tasks were completed efficiently and aligned with project requirements;
- Facilitated workshops to share expertise and knowledge with colleagues, enhancing team skills and understanding of technical concepts;
- Contributed to developing technical solutions, leveraging expertise in PHP, Laravel, and JavaScript to design and implement effective solutions;
- Engaged in sprint refinement and planning meetings, collaborating with team members to define tasks, estimate timelines, and allocate resources effectively for project success.
- Teknologier:
Backend Developer
Sweetspot - 4 flere år 2 måneder
- Optimized fetch data endpoints to enhance performance, ensuring efficient retrieval of data for improved user experience;
- Refactored legacy codebase, adhering to SOLID and DRY principles to enhance maintainability and scalability of the application;
- Played a key role in the development of a golf course booking API solution, including integrating a third-party payment provider to enable online payments for bookings;
- Enhanced golf course search functionality by implementing ElasticSearch, providing users with improved search results and filtering options.;
- Developed API interfaces to facilitate player interactions, allowing users to find and add friends to play together, as well as enabling golf clubs to communicate with their players effectively;
- Contributed to the migration of functionality from a legacy Laravel project to API Platform, ensuring seamless transition and compatibility with modern development standards and practices.
- Teknologier:
Full Stack Developer
Workaround - 6 måneder
- Participating in the development of an administration panel to manage web app content, ensuring efficient and user-friendly content management capabilities;
- Developing web app modules related to workspace catalog and workspace details, contributing to the enhancement of user experience and functionality;
- Utilizing technologies such as PHP and the Laravel Framework for backend development tasks;
- Implementing Typescript and Nuxt.js for frontend development, creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces;
- Working with ArrangoDB for database management and optimization, ensuring data integrity and performance;
- Collaborating with team members to design, develop, and deploy scalable and maintainable solutions that meet project requirements and deadlines.
- Teknologier:
Full Stack Developer
Smart-made - 4 måneder
- Developing E-commerce applications using a custom PHP framework, ensuring robust and scalable solutions tailored to client requirements;
- Leveraging JavaScript to enhance user interactivity and functionality within the applications, contributing to a seamless and engaging user experience;
- Integrating WordPress into projects to provide content management capabilities and extend functionality as needed;
- Collaborating with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, design solutions, and deliver high-quality products that meet client objectives and expectations;
- Conducting thorough testing and debugging to identify and resolve issues, ensuring the reliability and stability of the applications;
- Staying updated on industry trends and best practices to continuously improve skills and contribute to the success of projects.
- Teknologier:
BSc.Computer Science
Kyiv College of Communication · 2010 - 2017
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