Virtual events for career advancement and networking

Ever since the virtual working environment became the norm, standards for quality, in general, have changed and increased. Those same standards of virtual quality working apply to virtual events for career advancement too.

There is no need for obligatory physical presence when the same benefits follow through a virtual attendance of conferences for career improvement. You do not need a unique event app to discover the latest trends in virtual networking events, because we have assembled the best and most useful virtual events below.


If you want to sign up for this if you are interested in tech things, novelties in the tech world, tech experts, and their speeches and news. There will be a lot of sessions where you can network with similar people in the IT industry, primarily focusing on multi-cloud core working.

You can learn more about secure apps and clouds, accelerating cloud transformation, and even building a cloud-native platform, among other things. Another name recently for this event is VMware Explore, and this event is all about digital working and its aspects.

At this event, guest speakers will be executives, VMware customers, and community leaders. It is the perfect event for you if you are all about infrastructure, cloud architecture, and enterprise apps.

VMworld is a virtual event that will take place between August 21st to 24th 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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SMX Advanced

This conference is an advanced networking opportunity for online content specialists foremost. This event is so great because it is specifically targeted at SEO and SEM experts and content writers.

The benefits of attending this conference ais maximizing awareness of the produced content, better increase in sales, significant conversions rise, and more. During these two days of the event, you will have the chance to network with notable search marketers and learn their novelties.

MX Advanced will occur in a virtual setting between September 13th and 14th, 2023 in Berlin.

Infosecurity Europe

This event might not be the first focus of most event marketers, but it is substantial and beneficial to everyone in web development and programming. To be more precise, if your specialty or interest in cybersecurity, this is the event for you.

Despite this being a hybrid event, there is the option to attend it virtually. At this event, the themes are cybersecurity challenges of various kinds, innovations for ROI boosting, and also all related topics of the information security community from Europe.

If you attend Infosecurity Europe, you might learn many excellent ways of protecting your business against cyber threats. Also, you will learn how to salvage and repair the damage on time if these happen. You will learn more about protecting your systems and vital resources, starting from the workshops to the various demonstrations at the event.

The event will take place from June 20th to 22nd, 2023.

Red Hat Summit

Red Hat Summit is a virtual event covering content about IT experts and leaders, and this year, the agenda encompassed segments about the future of technology, and how everything fits into the business challenges that leaders face.

Guest speakers shed some light on codes and code meanings, recommendations of tools to use for tech issues and challenges, data processing, automation, cloud-native development, supporting the DevSecOps, as well as various other contents for career advancement.

The event took place on May 6th to 9th, 2024.

Developer Week

Developer Week is another virtual event and not an in-person event kind of conference. This event is probably the largest conference, where developers gather and learn new things and establish existing ones in 3 days!

But, not just software developers, but all tech experts, such as data engineers, dev teams, software architects, executives, and managers alike, are welcome and much needed at the event.

In this event, you’ll hear about programming languages, developer technologies news, tips on platforms and tools, hackathons, workshops, and more.

The event will take place from February 21st to 23rd, 2024 and virtually on February 27th to 29th 2024, respectively.

API Conference

The API Conference is an excellent way of speed networking, in a way, because it is an event packed with practical activities all in four days. This event is organized by being hosted in London.

All tech experts are welcome to discuss news and novelties regarding strategies and API tools. This event is all about the API economy and strengthening the relations between providers and consumers in the API community. This event has exceptional attention to microservices, Big Data & IoT hackathon, and security.

Also, there is a focus on enterprise modernization, API architecture, usability, blockchain APIs, integration management, etc.

The event took place from April 24th to 27th, 2023.

Running Remote

Another excellent example of a virtual conference is the Running Remote event, fit for all workers, remote or hybrid. This event primarily focuses on managing and organizing teams, working with remote teams, maximizing productivity and creativity, sharpening existing skills and enriching skills in general, and more.

At Running Remote, the focus is on hybrid and remote ways of working.

Additionally, the focus is on speed networking, crypto salaries of the future, work-life balance, onboarding methods, working remotely, building company culture, and strengthening teamwork.

The event takes place from April 22nd to 24th, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal.

Cisco Live

Cisco Live is another speeded-up online networking event packed with productive two days of helpful information. Here, you can expect improved connections in the digital world community, practical sessions, workshops, and IT news.

This annual conference is a perfect hub for everyone working in IT and technology innovations. And, it is also great for growth and adapting brands, solving tech challenges, and discovering more about security, cloud computing, applications, etc.

The best minds of IT come here to talk and learn all about the tech industry through practicality and creativity.

The event will take place from June 2nd to 6th, 2024 in Las Vegas; December 5th to 8th, 2023 in Melbourne; and February 5th to 9th, 2024 in Amsterdam.

Gartner Tech Growth and Innovation Conference

The Gartner Tech Growth and Innovation Conference is an event focusing on technology changes, news, market dynamics, and retention.

The focus is on revenue growth, customer satisfaction in the business, and service provide leaders. It is a customer-centered approach and most beneficial for anyone who wants to advance his business.

This year’s schedule includes creating and leading an ambitious work dynamically using the best business strategies. There will also be linking up with relevant and target audiences, improving products and services, and developing strategies.

Further, also perfecting the buyer’s experience and engaging partners influencers for relevant work-related decisions. The attendees to network at this event will use all agenda points, whether for their own business or career advancement.

The event will take place on June 14th and 15th, 2023.

The takeaway

All of the featured events on our list are useful for those that need career advancement in the tech world.

At each of these conferences, there is an opportunity for event planners to get inspired for their next career event through an events platform or a networking idea.

Whether it is a pre-event, main event, or post-event, conferences of this type bring at least a few benefits.

You can expect a broader network of contacts, more work opportunities, professional improvement, and staying up to date with the progress of the modern tech future world.

Marija Neshkoska

Marija Neshkoska

Content Writer

Marija Neshkoska is a seasoned Senior SEO Writer and Editor with a Bachelor’s degree in English and American Literature. She specializes in crafting optimized content, editing, and developing effective content strategies, combining her literary expertise with a deep understanding of SEO to deliver impactful results.

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