Andrey K.


Andrii omaa yli kahdeksan vuoden ammattilaiskokemuksen kehittämisestä. Hänellä on tietämystä front- ja back- end- kehittämisestä, huomattava kokemus datapohjaisesta suunnittelusta, LAMP Stack ja Vagrant/ Docker virtualisoinnista, sekä laaja kokemus OOP:sta, MVC:stä, REST:stä ja front-end- applikaatioiden luomisesta Vue.js: n ja Ext. JS: n avulla.

Andrii työskentelee saumattomasti yhdessä tuotteen omistajien, kehittäjien ja QA- insinöörien kanssa monitoiminnallisessa ja maantieteellisesti levittäytyneissä tiimeissä, varmistaakseen korkeatasoisen tuotteen. Hän malttamattomasti ja ihailtavasti integroi kehittämisprojektiin parhaat käytännöt, ja pitää silmällä uusimpia teknologioita, työkaluja ja lähestymistapoja.

Tärkein asiantuntemus
  • PHP
    PHP 12 vuotta
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 9 vuotta
  • Symfony
    Symfony 5 vuotta
Muut taidot
  • ElasticSearch
    ElasticSearch 5 vuotta
  • Unit Testing 5 vuotta
  • DDD 4 vuotta
Andrey K.


Aloita tästä

Valittu kokemus


  • Senior Fullstack developer

    Proxify AB - 6 years 1 month


    SweetSpot Golf Field Booking System
    Served as a Senior Software Engineer, contributing to the development of the SweetSpot Golf field booking system. Conducted research and integrated various national golf league systems. Utilized technologies such as Symfony 5, Laravel, MariaDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, and RabbitMQ.

    Platform for Driving Schools
    Worked as a Senior Software Engineer in a team of two developers to develop a platform for driving schools. Responsibilities included team leadership, Jira management, sprint planning, and ticket assignments, as well as maintaining and deploying the production server. Utilized Laravel 7, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Redis, and Vue.js.

    Purchases System with a Refunding Mechanism
    Acted as a Senior Software Engineer/Team Lead, leading a team of three developers in building a purchases system with a refunding mechanism. Integrated new product catalogs and markets as well as third-party APIs for payments, statistics, and other functionalities. Utilized CodeIgniter, Vue.js, MySQL, and Redis.

    Banking CRM
    Designed microservices architecture and implemented code design best practices. Led team management, Jira management, sprint planning, and ticket assignments. Communicated with the product owner and business analyst (BA) regarding ongoing tickets and future functionality.


    • Tekniikat:
    • Symfony Symfony
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Elixir Elixir
    • CodeIgniter CodeIgniter
    • DDD
  • Fullstack developer

    NixSolutions - 6 years 10 months


    Banking CRM
    As a Senior Software Engineer/Team Lead, led a team of five developers in developing a system using Laravel 8, Redis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Memcached, and Keycloak.

    API for eCommerce Website
    Contributed to the development of an API for an eCommerce website using LoopBack.js and PostgreSQL.

    Global Sportsbook Operator
    Acted as a Lead Developer, mentoring a team of eight developers.

    Social Network for Clothing Reviews
    Served as a Tech Lead Developer in a team of two developers, working with Symfony 3/4, RatchetPHP, Vue.js, and MySQL.

    Online Subscription Service for TV Episodes and Movies
    Acted as a Tech Lead Developer in a team of two developers, building an online subscription service using Laravel 5, Vue.js, and RabbitMQ.

    Online Consulting Service
    Led a team of three developers as a Lead Developer, utilizing Phalcon 2, RabbitMQ, and ReactPHP.

    Global Digital Agency
    Contributed as a Developer to various projects using Drupal 8.

    API for Movie Preference Catalog
    Independently developed an API for a movie preference catalog using Yii 2 and MySQL.

    Cargo Shipments System
    Developed a cargo shipments system using Ext.js.

    Education System
    Independently built an education system using Vanilla PHP, MySQL, Express.js,, MongoDB, and Go.

    Business Portal
    Served as a Tech Lead Developer, developing a business portal using Zend, MySQL, and Angular.

    Online Store for Selling Custom Products
    Developed an online store for selling custom products using Laravel 4, MySQL, and jQuery.

    Warehouse Booking System
    Developed a warehouse booking system using Drupal 7.

    Social Network for Work and Travel
    Contributed to the development of a social network using Zend Framework 1, MySQL, and Backbone.js.

    CRM System for an SEO Company
    Contributed to the development of a CRM system for an SEO company using Yii 1, MySQL, and jQuery.


    • Tekniikat:
    • PHP PHP
    • Symfony Symfony
    • Yii Yii
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Drupal Drupal

Löydä seuraava kehittäjäsi päivien, ei kuukausien sisällä

Kun otat yhteyttä, järjestämme lyhyen 25 minuuttia kestävän tapaamisen, jonka aikana:

  • Kartoitamme yrityksenne kehitystarvetta
  • Kertoa prosessimme, jolla löydämme teille pätevän, ennakkotarkastetun kehittäjän verkostostamme
  • Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä

Keskustele kanssamme