Daniel G.
Mobile Developer
Daniel on React Nativeen erikoistunut mobiilikehittäjä, jolla on tietotekniikan maisterin tutkinto ja tausta järjestelmätekniikassa. Hän on luonut vaikuttavia mobiilisovelluksia eri aloille, kuten sähköiseen kaupankäyntiin, sosiaaliseen mediaan ja suoratoistoalustoille.
Hänen merkittäviin projekteihinsa kuuluvat Vecinos-sovellus, joka on ladattu yli 5 000 kertaa, Shapeshift-kryptopörssialusta, , joka on ladattu yli 500 000 kertaa, ja Warner Media -suoratoistosovellus, joka on ladattu yli kaksi miljoonaa kertaa.
Danielin tekninen asiantuntemus ja todistettu menestys laadukkaiden mobiilisovellusten tuottamisessa tekevät hänestä arvokkaan voimavaran mille tahansa kehitystiimille.
Tärkein asiantuntemus
- React Native 7 vuotta
- JavaScript 7 vuotta
- TypeScript 2 vuotta
Muut taidot
- Stripe 2 vuotta
- Firebase 2 vuotta
- Electron 1 vuotta
Valittu kokemus
React Native Developer
Giftcards Canada - 3 years 5 months
React native developer E-commerce app | Giftcards Canada.
Support for an e-commerce application with over 20,000 active sessions per day.
Maintenance and migration of React Native applications to new versions.
Support for native libraries.
Maintain legacy applications.
Manage a banking application for the same client.
Review, approve, and verify pull requests.
Participate in the technical architecture of new products.
Create, maintain, and update white-label applications.
Serve as the technical lead for mobile development.
- Tekniikat:
React Native
React Native Developer
Astound Commerce - 9 months
Developed and maintained internal white-label mobile applications using React and React Native.
Provided architectural solutions and ensured seamless integration of native libraries.
Technical lead.
- Tekniikat:
React Native
React Native Developer
Making Sense - 7 months
Developed the Vecinos App MVP, a social media application with over 5K downloads, using React and React Native.
Led technical demos and presentations to stakeholders, showcasing app features and progress.
Played a key role in the architecture and development of the application, ensuring high performance and user satisfaction.
- Tekniikat:
React Native
React Native Developer (staff augmentation)
React Native Developer - 6 months
Developed and enhanced the Shapeshift Crypto Exchange platform, achieving over 500K downloads.
Improved platform performance by identifying and resolving performance bugs.
Gained experience working with monorepos, streamlining project management and code maintenance.
Thrived as the sole React Native developer, bringing a unique perspective and expertise to the team.
- Tekniikat:
React Native
Standalone courseCreate the User Interface with SwiftUI
Coursera · 2023 - 2023
Standalone courseIntroduction to Android Mobile Application Development
Coursera · 2022 - 2023
Standalone courseFoundations of User Experience (UX) Design
Coursera · 2021 - 2021
Standalone coursemproving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
Coursera · 2019 - 2019
Standalone courseCoursera Mentor Community and Training Course
Coursera · 2017 - 2017
BSc.Information Systems and Computer Engineering
UTP · 2010 - 2016
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- Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä