Ilyas C.
BI Developer
Ilyas on BI-kehittäjä ja data-analyytikko, jolla on yli kymmenen vuoden kokemus liiketoiminta-analytiikasta, tietojen visualisoinnista ja raportointiratkaisuista. Ilyas hallitsee SQL:n, Tableaun ja Qlik Sensen kaltaiset työkalut, ja hän on taitava viestimään monimutkaisista teknisistä käsitteistä muillekin kuin tekniselle yleisölle.
Hänen uransa kohokohtiin kuuluu muun muassa onnistunut siirtyminen QlikView:stä Tableauhun Anadolu-vakuutusyhtiössä, SQL-kyselyjen optimointi ja organisaation tietojen visualisointiominaisuuksien parantaminen.
Hänen asiantuntemuksensa kattaa tietomallinnuksen, ELT:n ja ketterät menetelmät, minkä ansiosta hän voi tehdä tehokasta yhteistyötä monialaisten tiimien kanssa.
Tärkein asiantuntemus
- Agile 5 vuotta
- ETL 2 vuotta
- Scrum 5 vuotta
Muut taidot
- Hadoop 1 vuotta
- Teradata 1 vuotta
- NumPy 1 vuotta
Valittu kokemus
Tableau Developer Data Analyst
JLL - - 3 years 1 month
Developed Tableau dashboards, adhering to company design standards while prioritizing insightful data representation;
Collaborated closely with business-side clients to understand and address their needs;
Conducted quality assurance on both visual elements and data accuracy;
Created and maintained tables, views, and stored procedures across staging, data warehouse, and business layers.
- Tekniikat:
Senior Business Intelligence Specialist - 2 years 7 months
Maintained and developed Tableau Server and TSM;
Managed the QlikView to Tableau transition, including installations, POCs, and adaptations;
Designed and developed new QlikView dashboards based on complex SQL queries using Vertica, MySQL, and Hadoop;
Managed and supported QlikView servers, including Server and Publisher components;
Defined KPIs, dimensions, and measures for data analysis and visualization;
Improved performance for existing QlikView applications;
Created legal documents in response to requests from ministries and prosecutors;
Developed data warehouses and data marts, and managed ETL pipelines via Azkaban;
Provided freelance Qlik Sense solutions for individual clients.
- Tekniikat:
Qlik View
Qlik Sense
Senior Business Intelligence Consultant
Anadolu Insurance - Metric Software and Consultancy - 3 months
Led the development and execution of the QlikView to Tableau conversion project;
Assisted the Anadolu Insurance BI team in resolving errors and improving performance in QlikView;
Trained and mentored Junior BI Consultants to enhance their skills and knowledge.
- Tekniikat:
Qlik View
Business Intelligence Consultant
Pepsico Turkey - Metric Software and Consultancy - 1 year
Designed, developed, maintained, and optimized Tableau mobile and desktop dashboards using Agile and Scrum methodologies;
Managed user access and permissions, handled subscription management, and scheduled jobs for dashboards;
Optimized SQL queries and performed data blending for Tableau dashboards and worksheets from various data sources, including Teradata, MS SQL Server, and Spatial (Map) files;
Created, modified, and adapted custom map applications using shape files;
Provided guidance and mentorship for QlikView development, design, and maintenance for Pepsico;
Trained Junior BI Consultants to enhance their skills. Conducted Qlik Sense proof of concepts (POCs) for other clients.
- Tekniikat:
Qlik View
Qlik Sense
MSc.Big Data and business Analytics
Istanbul Technical University · 2021 - 2022
BSc.Business administration
Anadolu University · 2012 - 2016
BSc.Electronic engineering
Istanbul Technical Universit · 2009 - 2019
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