Mantas M.


Mantas on ammattitaitoinen Fullstack-kehittäjä, jolla on kahdeksan vuoden kokemus ja joka on erikoistunut JavaScriptiin ja React Nativeen keskittyen vahvasti frontend-kehitykseen.

Hänen vaikuttava salkkunsa kattaa useita eri toimialoja, kuten terveydenhuollon, mainonnan ja fintech-alan. Vaikka Mantas sijaitsee Liettuassa, se on tehnyt yhteistyötä asiakkaiden kanssa eri puolilla Yhdysvaltoja, Alankomaita, Sveitsiä ja Liettuaa ja tuottanut korkealaatuisia, käyttäjäkeskeisiä ratkaisuja.

Yksi hänen merkittävistä saavutuksistaan oli erään startup-yrityksen mobiilisovelluksen itsenäinen uudistaminen ja sen muuttaminen käyttäjäystävälliseksi ja menestyksekkääksi alustaksi, joka sai käyttäjiltä positiivista palautetta. Teknisen asiantuntemuksensa lisäksi Mantas on erittäin kiinnostunut historiasta ja politiikasta, mikä täydentää hänen monipuolista lähestymistapaansa ongelmanratkaisuun ja kehitykseen.

Tärkein asiantuntemus
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 8 vuotta
  • React Native
    React Native 6 vuotta
  • TypeScript
    TypeScript 8 vuotta
Muut taidot
  • Node.js
    Node.js 4 vuotta
  • Microservices 2 vuotta
  • Sentry
    Sentry 2 vuotta
Mantas M.


Aloita tästä

Valittu kokemus


  • React Native Developer

    Amsterdam Platform Creation - 2 years 5 months

    • Continued the Woolsocks app project under the parent company;

    • Introduced new approaches for managing API data in the app, initially using useSWR;

    • Later implemented the use of Tanstack query for more efficient data management;

    • Demonstrated expertise in Tanstack query and useSWR for optimizing API data handling;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Firebase Firebase
    • Agile Agile
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • Next.js Next.js
  • Lead Frontend Developer

    Woolsocks - 5 months

    • Led the Vilnius development team as a Lead Frontend Developer;

    • Organized and facilitated monthly frontend meetings to discuss and identify areas for improvement in developer experience (DX) for the team;

    • Actively participated in the employment process, including conducting interviews and reviewing code tasks for potential candidates;

    • Collaborated with the Amsterdam team to enhance application workflows and foster cross-team synergy;

    • Demonstrated strong leadership skills and the ability to contribute to team growth and process optimization;

    • Showcased expertise in team leadership and interviewing to support the development team and enhance the frontend development process;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Firebase Firebase
    • Agile Agile
    • Team leading
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
  • React Native Developer

    Woolsocks - 6 months

    • Collaborated with an international team on the development of a React Native-based fintech application targeted at various EU countries;

    • Functioned primarily as a frontend developer, working closely with UI/UX designers and Product Managers to implement user-centric features;

    • Utilized a tech stack and technologies including React Native, TypeScript, React Native Navigation, Redux with Redux Toolkit, Redux Sagas, Sentry, Firebase (remote-config, app distribution), and CodePush;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Firebase Firebase
    • Agile Agile
    • Sentry Sentry
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • CSS CSS
  • React Native Developer

    Billo - 6 months

    • Single-handedly led the restructuring of a React Native application, undertaking a comprehensive rewrite of the entire app in TypeScript;

    • Incorporated modern libraries and technologies to enhance performance and introduce new features;

    • Utilized a tech stack that included React Native, TypeScript, Styled Components, React Query, Redux with Redux Toolkit, Firebase, and CodePush;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Firebase Firebase
    • Agile Agile
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • CSS CSS
  • Frontend Developer

    Freelance - 5 years

    • Worked on a variety of small web and mobile projects during free time;

    • Developed mobile applications using React Native for cross-platform compatibility;

    • Utilized a tech stack including React Native, React, Redux, Zustand, Styled-components, Emotion, React Material UI, Firebase, React Admin, and Refine;

    • Gained experience with Flutter for mobile app development alongside React Native and React.js;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • Firebase Firebase
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • Material-UI Material-UI
  • Software Engineer

    Devbridge Group - 2 years 1 month

    • Promoted to mid full-stack developer after less than two years of experience as a Junior developer, recognizing outstanding work results;

    • Worked on a React Native application, which also encompassed React and NodeJS technologies, for a chat and data management project tailored for USA medical staff, with a focus on HIPAA-compliant infrastructure;

    • Utilized a versatile tech stack including React, React Native, ExpressJS, Websockets, React Navigation, Redux, PostgreSQL, and Knex;


    • Tekniikat:
    • React Native React Native
    • Node.js Node.js
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Firebase Firebase
    • Agile Agile
    • SQL SQL
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • React.js React.js
    • Redux.js Redux.js
    • Express.js Express.js


  • BSc.Computer Software Engineering

    Kaunas University of Technology · 2015 - 2019

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  • Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä

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