Paulo S.

Fullstack Developer

Paulo is a seasoned Software Engineer boasting more than 15 years of hands-on experience within the industry. His expertise spans across a range of programming languages, such as VB.NET, C#, and SQL Server.

With a rich professional background, Paulo has contributed his skills to various sectors, including commerce, retail, education, data centers, services, consulting, technology, and finance, across both Brazilian and American markets.

One of Paulo's notable achievements includes the development of a comprehensive three-layer system for a financial institution, serving as the foundation for their entire new development strategy.

Tärkein asiantuntemus
  • .NET
    .NET 10 vuotta
  • .NET Core
    .NET Core 7 vuotta
  • C#
    C# 15 vuotta
Muut taidot
  • VB.NET
    VB.NET 20 vuotta
  • VBA
    VBA 20 vuotta
    MSSQL 10 vuotta
Paulo S.


Aloita tästä

Valittu kokemus


  • Senior Software Developer

    Proxify AB - 2 years

    • Played a crucial role in enhancing logistics operations through the development of an automated system.
    • Implemented robust and efficient processes that significantly streamlined the entire shipping workflow.
    • Marked improvement in productivity and accuracy, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing operational efficiency through innovative technological solutions.


    • Tekniikat:
    • .NET .NET
    • C# C#
  • Senior Software Developer

    fBOP - 10 years 8 months

    • Developed and delivered multiple bug-free projects within set deadlines and budgets;
    • Assigned coding, testing, debugging, and analytics tasks to junior developers;
    • Wrote advanced programming code and reviewed updated software systems;
    • Demonstrated strategic thinking and deep understanding of digital development for apps and the web;
    • Utilized various technologies, such as C#, ASP.NET MVC, NET/Angular, JavaScript, VBA, Python, and MS SQL Server.


    • Tekniikat:
    • .NET .NET
    • C# C#
    • Python Python
    • VBA VBA


  • BSc.Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

    Fundação Santo André · 2023 - 2026

  • BSc.Mathematics with Emphasis in Data Processing

    Fundação Santo André · 1991 - 1994

Löydä seuraava kehittäjäsi päivien, ei kuukausien sisällä

Kun otat yhteyttä, järjestämme lyhyen 25 minuuttia kestävän tapaamisen, jonka aikana:

  • Kartoitamme yrityksenne kehitystarvetta
  • Kertoa prosessimme, jolla löydämme teille pätevän, ennakkotarkastetun kehittäjän verkostostamme
  • Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä

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