Wisdom E.

Mobile Developer

Wisdom is an accomplished Mobile Application Developer noted for his ability to create commercially successful apps.

His expertise centers around crafting visually appealing, stable, and intuitive interfaces. He primarily uses Flutter to develop applications for both Android and iOS platforms and possesses strong skills in Kotlin and Java for Android-specific development.

In addition to his frontend capabilities, Wisdom is also skilled in several backend technologies, including Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, and Strapi. His proficiency with these technologies has allowed him to develop robust web services and RESTful APIs, enhancing the maintainability and scalability of his applications.

Tärkein asiantuntemus
  • Android
    Android 4 vuotta
  • Flutter
    Flutter 5 vuotta
  • Java
    Java 4 vuotta
Muut taidot
  • Ionic
    Ionic 6 vuotta
  • HTML
    HTML 6 vuotta
  • CSS
    CSS 6 vuotta
Wisdom E.


Aloita tästä

Valittu kokemus


  • Lead Mobile Developer (Flutter)

    CredPal - 4 years 8 months

    • CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
    • Built desktop applications (Mac, Windows, and Linux) and a web application for internal use.
    • Deployed to both Google Play Store and the App Store (100k+ downloads). Translated UI designs into testable and maintainable codebases.
    • Worked with several databases (Hive, SQLite, Firestore). Implemented a solid architecture based on Bloc and dependency injection using GetIt.
    • Implemented real-time crash reporting and Google Analytics, including a custom error log on Slack.
    • Built several plugins and packages for third-party integrations.
    • Built a serverless API with Firebase Cloud Functions to support specific app functionalities.
    • Worked with several payment SDKs and plugins.
    • Worked with several Firebase tools, including push notifications, dynamic links, distribution, analytics, performance, and remote configuration. Implemented clean code architectures (DRY, KISS, SOLID) in an agile environment.


    • Tekniikat:
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Linux Linux
  • Mobile App Developer ( Flutter, Java (Android))

    Zercom Systems - 11 months

    • Maintained existing codebase.
    • Migrated some existing Android and iOS apps to a single Flutter codebase.
    • Deployed iOS apps on clients' websites using the Apple Developer Enterprise Program.


    • Tekniikat:
    • Android Android
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Java Java
  • Software Developer

    Freelance - 2 years 7 months

    • Worked with several APIs and integrations.
    • Developed mobile apps using the Ionic Framework.
    • Developed several frontend applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Built server-side applications using Node.js with Express and MongoDB.
    • Worked with several Firebase services, including push notifications, dynamic links, distribution, analytics, performance, and remote configuration.
    • Worked with maps and geolocation services.
    • Worked with FFMPEG for video processing.


    • Tekniikat:
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Java Java
    • Ionic Ionic
    • CSS CSS
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • Node.js Node.js
    • Express.js Express.js
    • MongoDB MongoDB


  • Standalone coursePilvilaskenta

    Texasin Austinin yliopisto · 2022 - 2022

  • BSc.Sähkö-/elektroniikkatekniikka

    Beninin yliopisto · 2011 - 2016

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  • Kartoitamme yrityksenne kehitystarvetta
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