David A.
DevOps Engineer
David est un ingénieur logiciel full-stack chevronné et un expert DevOps qui affiche plus de six années d’expérience. Passionné par DevOps, le web, et le développement mobile, il apporte une grande expertise et une vision novatrice à chaque projet.
David souhaite renforcer l’innovation dans les start-up ou les entreprises dynamiques en exploitant ses connaissances approfondies et en collaborant avec des collègues compétents. Son expérience lui a permis d’affiner sa capacité à concevoir des solutions techniques plurielles sur diverses plateformes logicielles, ce qui fait de lui un atout précieux pour toute entreprise novatrice.
Principale expertise
- Ansible 2 ans
- API 5 ans
- AWS 4 ans
Autres compétences
- SASS 3 ans
- Angular 2 ans
- WordPress 2 ans
Expérience sélectionnée
Cloud & DevOps Engineer
AGYLA.CLOUD - 1 an 5 mois
- Automating PTI with Ansible
- Structuring the project according to Ansible guidelines
- Setting up Ansible playbooks and roles for automation
- Documentation of the automation execution procedure
- Deployment of project management & Ticketing tools (Redmine) on the Landing Zone
- Management and creation of different accounts on AWS with AWS Organization and Control Tower & AFT
- Setting up SCP and Configs for AWS accounts
- Deployment of QuickSight dashboard and configuration for cost and service dashboard overview and monitoring.
Les technologies:
- Les technologies:
DevOps Engineer
Orange France (Viaccess Orca) - 5 mois
- Vmware provisioning on Vsphere
- Technical support for infrastructure-related issues
- High Availability deployment of Kubernetes clusters
- Deploying stateless and stateful apps on the Kubernetes cluster
- Provisioning of Vmware instances on Vsphere via Terraform scripts
- High Availability deployment of k8s clusters using Terraform and Ansible to on-premises Documentation of access to infrastructures deployed on confluence(Jira)
- Backlog management on Jira
- Set up GitLab CI/CD pipelines for continuous integration and image versioning on the private AWS ECR repository
- Installation and configuration of GitLab Runner for Continuous Deployments
Les technologies:
- Les technologies:
DevOps Engineer
- Maintain the project in operational condition in each environment (Development, Staging, Production)
- SCM management on Gitlab
- Deployment of the various Microservices within the GKE cluster
- Administration of the Kubernetes cluster on GCP (GKE)
- Managed project versioning using Git and handled Kubernetes and Terraform manifests and ensuring smooth deployment across different environments, including Dev, staging, and production
- Reviewed and optimized the CI/CD pipelines on GitLab, ensuring efficient deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- Monitored the Kubernetes cluster and oversaw the deployment of applications, ensuring their stability and performance
- Documentation of every issue resolved and the process on Confluence
- Installation and configuration of GitLab Runner for CD management
- Frontend & Backend team support
Les technologies:
- Les technologies:
FormationComputer Science
ESA · 2018 - 2019
License ès sciencesScience Economics
Lome University · 2016 - 2017
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