Okan K.

Développeur back-end

Okan est un développeur backend expérimenté, spécialisé dans Golang, qui a fait ses preuves dans la construction de systèmes efficaces, évolutifs et performants.

Il possède une grande expertise dans la conception et le développement de systèmes à partir de zéro, apportant un état d'esprit axé sur le produit qui ajoute une valeur substantielle à n'importe quelle équipe.

Son engagement en faveur de l'amélioration continue et de la résolution des problèmes est à l'origine de son succès dans chaque mission. Sa connaissance approfondie de Golang lui permet de créer des applications robustes capables de gérer efficacement des processus complexes.

Principale expertise
    AWS SQS 2 ans
  • Golang
    Golang 4 ans
  • SQL
    SQL 3 ans
Autres compétences
  • Kubernetes
    Kubernetes 3 ans
  • Docker
    Docker 3 ans
  • Ruby on Rails
    Ruby on Rails 2 ans
Okan K.



Expérience sélectionnée


  • Software Engineer

    FairMoney - 1 an 10 mois

    • Developed features and performance enhancements using Go and Ruby on Rails.

    • Led a complex project involving multiple stakeholders, including teams from risk, product, and other technical departments within the engineering group. Successfully delivered the project on time and within scope.

    • Transformed parts of the monolithic Ruby on Rails app into a Go microservice in an event-driven manner, enhancing its capability to handle high traffic independently.

    • Updated outdated codebases to meet modern development standards, improving overall functionality.

    • Collaborated with management, internal teams, and development partners regarding software application design and project progress.

    Les technologies:

    • Les technologies:
    • Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Docker Docker
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Golang Golang
  • Backend Developer

    Hepsiburada - 4 mois

    • Developed backend components using Go.

    • Re-architected the logging system to prevent identical errors from being re-logged in complex eCommerce projects.

    • Implemented automatically generating Swagger documentation for approximately 100-130 endpoints, significantly improving documentation efforts.

    Les technologies:

    • Les technologies:
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Docker Docker
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Golang Golang
  • Software Engineer

    Gowit Techonology - 7 mois

    • Developed backend components using Go and Python, utilizing Kafka for message queuing and PostgreSQL for the database.

    • Optimized and enhanced the CI/CD pipeline to support the development workflow.

    • Redesigned the architecture of the analytics service, adding proper caching, writing, and ingestion mechanisms, which reduced the average response time by nearly 40%.

    • Led the creation of architectural documentation for services, visualizing over 10 microservices architectures.

    Les technologies:

    • Les technologies:
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Docker Docker
    • Machine Learning Machine Learning
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Python Python
    • Golang Golang
  • Software Engineer

    AnalyticaHouse - 1 an 6 mois

    • Created a Slack app integrating various online ad platforms (Google, Facebook, TikTok) and designed the application architecture, database tables, and UX design from scratch.

    • Implemented Jenkins for CI/CD.

    • Developed a streaming data pipeline for clickstream data in Google Cloud with a latency of 5 seconds, using Cube.js for querying and React.js for visualization.

    • Implemented Apache Airflow for batch jobs and deployed it on Compute Engine with Docker, creating and maintaining DAGs for various processes.

    • Automated the generation of product reports through web scraping of approximately 25 major e-commerce websites in Turkey, using Google Cloud VM with Crontab for automation.

    • Led version control efforts and employed GitHub and other open-source repositories for the organization.

    • Created various SQL scripts for querying and transporting BigQuery data.

    • Documented technical workflows and procedures in a private wiki to educate newly hired employees.

    • Led a team of 3 engineers, providing technical, strategic, and tactical guidance, and aligned the team with the company's strategic direction.

    Les technologies:

    • Les technologies:
    • Docker Docker
    • Machine Learning Machine Learning
    • Python Python
    • Golang Golang


  • License ès sciencesComputer Engineering

    Karadeniz Technical University · 2015 - 2020

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