Okan K.
Okan ist ein erfahrener Backend-Entwickler, der sich auf Golang spezialisiert hat und nachweislich effiziente, skalierbare und leistungsstarke Systeme entwickelt hat.
Er verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Konzeption und Entwicklung von Systemen von Grund auf und bringt eine produktorientierte Denkweise mit, die für jedes Team von großem Wert ist.
Sein Engagement für kontinuierliche Verbesserung und Problemlösung ist die Grundlage für seinen Erfolg bei jedem Auftrag. Okans tiefes Verständnis von Golang ermöglicht es ihm, robuste Anwendungen zu erstellen, die komplexe Prozesse effektiv handhaben können.
- AWS SQS 2 Jahre
- Golang 4 Jahre
- SQL 3 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
- Kubernetes 3 Jahre
- Docker 3 Jahre
- Ruby on Rails 2 Jahre
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Software Engineer
FairMoney - 2 jahre 2 monate
Developed features and performance enhancements using Go and Ruby on Rails.
Led a complex project involving multiple stakeholders, including teams from risk, product, and other technical departments within the engineering group. Successfully delivered the project on time and within scope.
Transformed parts of the monolithic Ruby on Rails app into a Go microservice in an event-driven manner, enhancing its capability to handle high traffic independently.
Updated outdated codebases to meet modern development standards, improving overall functionality.
Collaborated with management, internal teams, and development partners regarding software application design and project progress.
- Technologien:
Ruby on Rails
Apache Kafka
Backend Developer
Hepsiburada - 4 monate
Developed backend components using Go.
Re-architected the logging system to prevent identical errors from being re-logged in complex eCommerce projects.
Implemented automatically generating Swagger documentation for approximately 100-130 endpoints, significantly improving documentation efforts.
- Technologien:
Apache Kafka
Software Engineer
Gowit Techonology - 7 monate
Developed backend components using Go and Python, utilizing Kafka for message queuing and PostgreSQL for the database.
Optimized and enhanced the CI/CD pipeline to support the development workflow.
Redesigned the architecture of the analytics service, adding proper caching, writing, and ingestion mechanisms, which reduced the average response time by nearly 40%.
Led the creation of architectural documentation for services, visualizing over 10 microservices architectures.
- Technologien:
Machine Learning
Apache Kafka
Software Engineer
AnalyticaHouse - 1 jahr 6 monate
Created a Slack app integrating various online ad platforms (Google, Facebook, TikTok) and designed the application architecture, database tables, and UX design from scratch.
Implemented Jenkins for CI/CD.
Developed a streaming data pipeline for clickstream data in Google Cloud with a latency of 5 seconds, using Cube.js for querying and React.js for visualization.
Implemented Apache Airflow for batch jobs and deployed it on Compute Engine with Docker, creating and maintaining DAGs for various processes.
Automated the generation of product reports through web scraping of approximately 25 major e-commerce websites in Turkey, using Google Cloud VM with Crontab for automation.
Led version control efforts and employed GitHub and other open-source repositories for the organization.
Created various SQL scripts for querying and transporting BigQuery data.
Documented technical workflows and procedures in a private wiki to educate newly hired employees.
Led a team of 3 engineers, providing technical, strategic, and tactical guidance, and aligned the team with the company's strategic direction.
- Technologien:
Machine Learning
BSc.Computer Engineering
Karadeniz Technical University · 2015 - 2020
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