Himanshu S.

Data Engineer

Himanshu er en erfaren dataingeniør med bred erfaring og færdigheder inden for SQL, Snowflake og AWS. Han har arbejdet i forskellige brancher, herunder sundhed, detailhandel, bilindustri og finans.

I løbet af de sidste fem år har Himanshu positioneret sig som Full-stack-datakonsulent i kraft af sin ekspertise inden for maskinlæring og datavidenskab.

Hos KnowledgeFoundry og ZS Associates var Himanshu et væsentligt aktiv i deres tekniske teams. Han er en pålidelig og dedikeret udvikler inden for datateknik med alsidige færdigheder.

  • OpenCV
    OpenCV 4 år
  • Linux
    Linux 5 år
  • LangChain
    LangChain 2 år
Andre færdigheder
  • Docker
    Docker 3 år
  • FastAPI
    FastAPI 2 år
  • ChatGPT API
    ChatGPT API 2 år
Himanshu S.


Match med udvikler her

Udvalgt oplevelse


  • Data Engineer

    InfoGain - 10 måneder

    • Created a Data Warehouse solution utilizing AWS Redshift and AWS Glue, migrating an OLAP database from MS SQL Server.
    • Established a DBT pipeline for ETL processes, transferring data between a MySQL warehouse and an activity database to a Neo4j graph database using native Python programming. The setup was implemented on an AWS Linux box with Neo4j running as a Docker container.
    • Developed an ETL pipeline for conducting market basket analysis and other marketing statistics on millions of rows of transactional data. Utilized Redshift as a transactional database and populated it in a serverless fashion using Amazon Lambda functions in real time.


    • Teknologier:
    • Python Python
    • ETL ETL
    • Data Engineering
    • AWS AWS
  • Data Engineer

    ZS Associates - 6 måneder

    • Developed a pipeline to convert data into a structured format, enabling serving to Prodigy for ML-related tagging. The entire pipeline was constructed in a modular fashion using pure Python and shell scripting.
    • Implemented data transformations in Python and stored the processed data in an Amazon S3 bucket for storage and accessibility.


    • Teknologier:
    • Python Python
  • Data Engineer

    KnowledgeFoundry - 5 flere år 8 måneder

    • Automated the process of writing Hive queries for ETL of multiple tables (both one-time and incremental) by generating automated scripts.
    • Read CSV files from folder locations and created tables, then performed incremental loads sequentially.
    • Set up Snowflake as the primary storage solution for structured data and utilized DBT for ETL processes. Crafted SQL-based models to define transformation logic, ensuring flexibility with incremental loading and version control using DBT.
    • Prepared transformed data for analysis using business intelligence tools, facilitating effortless insights discovery. Conducted regular checks in Snowflake and DBT to maintain data integrity and pipeline functionality.
    • Designed and developed data pipelines to extract, transform, and load data from diverse sources into a centralized data warehouse.


    • Teknologier:
    • ETL ETL
    • SQL SQL
    • Data Engineering


  • BSc.Information Technology

    Dharmsinh Desai University · 2015 - 2019

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