Girts P.
DevOps Engineer
Girts on kokenut DevOps-insinööri, jolla on 10 vuoden kaupallinen kokemus ja joka on erikoistunut AWS:ään, Dockeriin, Terraformiin ja Linuxiin. Hän on todistetusti menestynyt menestyksekkäästi sekä startup- että yritysympäristöissä, joissa hän on johdonmukaisesti tuottanut korkealaatuisia tuloksia.
Girts on toteuttanut projekteja menestyksekkäästi alusta alkaen, rakentanut vankan infrastruktuurin, luonut tehokkaita CI/CD-putkia ja varmistanut vahvan tietoturvan ja konfiguraationhallinnan. Lisäksi hänellä on laaja kokemus nuorempien DevOps-insinöörien mentoroinnista ja ohjaamisesta, mikä auttaa heitä kehittämään taitojaan ja edistämään tehokkaasti tiimin tavoitteita.
Tärkein asiantuntemus
- AWS 5 vuotta
- DevOps 7 vuotta
- Terraform 4 vuotta
Muut taidot
- Grafana 4 vuotta
- Python 3 vuotta
Valittu kokemus
DevOps Engineer
Freelance - 2 years 7 months
Designing, configuring, and managing AWS cloud infrastructure, ensuring scalability, performance, and reliability;
Implementing and maintaining monitoring systems, utilizing Grafana and Loki for effective monitoring and log management;
Managing DNS using Cloudflare, ensuring efficient and secure domain name resolution;
Overseeing the setup and maintenance of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for smooth software delivery;
Automating infrastructure deployment using Terraform, enabling Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) practices;
Utilizing AWS services for both traditional virtual machines (VMs) and serverless computing;
Orchestrating containerization with Docker to streamline application deployment and management;
Collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure the smooth running of code on VMs and Docker containers. Staying updated with industry best practices and emerging technologies related to AWS, Docker, Terraform, Cloudflare, and NodeJS;
Troubleshooting and resolving any infrastructure-related issues to maintain optimal system performance and availability.
- Tekniikat:
DevOps Architect
q.beyond Riga - 11 months
Implementation of DevOps practices within the company, fostering collaboration and streamlining software development and operations;
Conducting workshops for cross-functional teams to promote the adoption of DevOps methodologies and improve overall efficiency;
Managing Azure environments, ensuring proper configuration, scalability, and security of cloud infrastructure;
Guiding and mentoring junior DevOps Engineers, providing technical guidance, and assisting with their professional growth;
Collaborating with development and operations teams to establish effective deployment pipelines and automate infrastructure provisioning using tools like Terraform;
Monitoring and optimizing system performance, analyzing metrics, and implementing strategies for continuous improvement;
Working with Docker to containerize applications, enabling portability and scalability;
Implementing CI/CD pipelines facilitates seamless software delivery and enhances the development lifecycle;
Collaborating with stakeholders to ensure compliance with security and governance standards;
Staying updated with emerging technologies and industry trends to drive innovation and optimize DevOps processes.
- Tekniikat:
Infrastructure Engineer
Visma Labs - 1 year 11 months
Planning, setting up, and maintaining cloud infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and scalability;
Deploying and managing applications in AWS, leveraging services such as EC2, Lambdas, ECS, and CodeBuild/CodePipeline;
Designing and implementing serverless applications, utilizing AWS Lambda and other relevant services;
Utilizing AWS services for network setup, ensuring secure and efficient communication between components;
Writing infrastructure-as-code (IaC) scripts using tools like CloudFormation and Terraform to automate and standardize infrastructure provisioning;
Working with Docker to containerize applications, facilitating deployment and portability across environments.;
Developing Python scripts to automate tasks and enhance system functionality;
Establishing and managing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes within the team, including tooling setup and configuration;
Collaborating with stakeholders to understand project requirements and provide technical expertise and recommendations;
Monitoring system performance, analyzing metrics, and implementing optimization strategies to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness;
Staying up to date with merging technologies and industry best practices related to cloud infrastructure, IaC, Docker, and CI/CD.
- Tekniikat:
DevOps Engineering
Evolution Gaming - 3 years 8 months
Configuring and administering Jenkins, ensuring smooth and efficient build and deployment processes;
Developing and maintaining CI/CD pipelines, enabling seamless integration and continuous delivery of applications;
Administering GitLab, overseeing version control and collaboration within the development team;
Managing and administering Artifactory/Nexus, ensuring proper artifact management and repository configuration;
Maintaining compliance processes from a technical perspective, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations;
Facilitating application deployment, ensuring timely and reliable release of software to production environments;
Writing scripts using Groovy, Python, and Shell for various purposes, including automation and process improvement;
Automating tasks and infrastructure provisioning using Ansible, streamlining operations and reducing manual effort;
Utilizing AWS services such as EC2, Elasticsearch, and S3 to deploy and manage cloud-based infrastructure;
- Tekniikat:
BSc.Information Technology
ISMA, Informacijas Sistemu Menedžmenta Augstskola · 2014 - 2015
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