Jovan M.
Jovan on kokenut ohjelmistosuunnittelija, jolla on yli 5 vuoden kokemus alalta. Hän hallitsee Flutterin ja Dartin, ja hän on erinomainen rakentamaan vankkoja, alustarajat ylittäviä mobiilisovelluksia.
Jovan on tunnettu kyvystään toimittaa laadukkaita projekteja, jotka täyttävät määräajat ja ylittävät asiakkaiden odotukset, ja noudattaa samalla tiukkoja koodistandardeja ja parhaita käytäntöjä. Hänen vahvojen johtamisominaisuuksiensa ansiosta hän pystyy johtamaan kehitystiimejä tehokkaasti, tekemään saumatonta yhteistyötä ja viestimään monimutkaisista teknisistä käsitteistä selkeästi sidosryhmille. Jovanilla on erinomaiset ongelmanratkaisu- ja virheenkorjaustaidot, ja hän kiinnittää jatkuvasti suurta huomiota yksityiskohtiin kaikessa työssään.
Tärkein asiantuntemus
- Ionic 2 vuotta
- Flutter 4 vuotta
- Golang 5 vuotta
Muut taidot
- MongoDB 4 vuotta
- Firebase 4 vuotta
- Redis 4 vuotta
Valittu kokemus
Software Engineering
Freelance - 6 years 5 months
- Safety Reporter
Jovan was responsible for designing and implementing a multiplatform app focused on reporting safety problems in the workplace. Leveraging his expertise in Flutter and Node.js, Jovan successfully developed and deployed the application currently available on Google Play.
- Fitness App
The ultimate Android fitness app created by Jovan. With personalized training plans, innovative Circle Training, custom animations, and progress tracking achieving your fitness goals.
- Education App
Jovan led a team of three developers in creating a multiplatform app for education. This comprehensive application was designed to cater to the needs of learners across different platforms and devices. Using his expertise in Flutter, Angular, Go, and Node.js, Jovan implemented the mobile app component of the education app. Additionally, he tackled the development of complex web app and backend segments.
- Rewardly
Jovan led a team of two developers in creating an application similar to Jira, with a unique twist of rewarding employees for completing tasks. This application was designed to enhance team productivity and motivation by providing a gamified approach to task management and employee recognition.
Jovan contributed to developing the NRA GST App, a mobile application specifically designed for invoice verification in Sierra Leone. As a software engineer, Jovan implemented the app using the Ionic framework.
Working as a self-employed software engineering contractor, offering expertise in various technologies;
Demonstrating proficiency in software architecture, employing sound architectural principles to design and develop robust and scalable software solutions;
- Tekniikat:
Senior Full Stack | Software Engineer
PINK MEDIA GROUP - 6 years 11 months
Successfully implemented the news portal, catering to a user base of almost 1 million weekly users, using Angular and Go technologies;
Developed the news mobile app for, which is now available on both the App Store and Google Play, using Flutter framework;
Demonstrated leadership skills by leading a team of two developers and designing an HR application for a company, utilizing Angular and Node.js;
Played a key role in implementing SMS payment subscriptions and an admin panel for streaming and VOD services, combining Go and Angular technologies;
Developed live-streaming Android applications such as KlikTV,, and Zadruga360, now available on Google Play and Huawei App Gallery, using Kotlin programming language;
Successfully implemented Rock Radio and Pink Radio mobile applications using the Flutter framework.
- Tekniikat:
BSc.Software Engineering
University of Belgrade · 2014 - 2020
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