Yunus B.


Yunus on fulls-stack- kehittäjä yli 11:sta vuoden kaupallisella kokemuksella, ja jolla on erittäin laaja tietämys ketterien kehitysmenetelmien käyttämisestä. Yunuksella on vahva osaaminen .NET- teknologioista, hän on taitava database designi: ssa ja toteutuskonsepteissa, takaisinmallinnuksessa, dataturvallisuudessa, varmuuskopiointi- ja palautuspalveluissa.

Hän on todellinen johtaja, joka on valmis antamaan henkilökohtaisen panoksensa ja rakentamaan kasvustrategian. Yunus on kokenut mentori, jolla on vahva visio siitä, miten hän hallitsee tiimiään ja opastaa heidät menestykseen.

Lisäksi hän esitteli mielenkiintoisen historiansa osallistumisestaan yli 20 hankkeeseen erilaisine vaatimuksineen. Tämä kokemus rikastutti hänen ongelmanratkaisukykyään.

Tärkein asiantuntemus
  • C#
    C# 11 vuotta
  • .NET Core
    .NET Core 5 vuotta
  • .NET
    .NET 11 vuotta
Muut taidot
  • React.js
    React.js 2 vuotta
  • Node.js
    Node.js 2 vuotta
  • MongoDB
    MongoDB 2 vuotta
Yunus B.


Aloita tästä

Valittu kokemus


  • Senior Software Engineer

    CROSS Zlín, a.s. - 1 year 2 months

    • Parking System Management project. I replaced the OPC server with a SignalR server. Any hardware, let's say plugin, can be installed or removed based on the customer requirements. OPC architecture was very slow to reflect the changes. Used System.Reflection library to manage plugins. Designed web user interface with typescript.
    • SCR Banknote Recycler project. I'm requested to implement a new feature such as paying by different currencies. By default, it wasn't supported by the machine. I decompiled the existing library. I created workflows, diagrams for the existing EBDS protocol.
    • I developed an application from scratch which hosts a web API with two primary endpoints and two services. One of the services fetches the most recent residence list periodically, the other one uses a filesystemwatcher to keep track of file changes. Files are cached to speed up the process.
    • The Payment Gateway application is used for paying by Pinpad, NFC, credit card readers. For different terminal device manufacturers, different protocols are implemented. I added integration for a new manufacturer.
    • By using a licensed plate recognition application, you can easily identify a vehicle's plate; however, the cost of the license was so expensive. I created a web API, which takes an image as an input and outputs the plate number so that we used it as a centralized server.
    • Fiscalization in a nutshell, is the receipts being approval by the government. The SDK of ATOL lets you fiscalize a receipt; however, it works only on the installed machine. I created a NuGet package that connects to the ATOL driver and fiscalize a receipt.
    • E-Receipt Web Portal. The aim of this project is to create a QR code instead of printing a receipt so that the waiting time would be reduced. I integrated the application with MonetPlus. Users can sign-up with their Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and display their e-receipts or download them as a pdf.
  • Senior Software Engineer

    broadAngle - 6 years

    • Developed an Audit App for Quality Assurance in Healthcare. Provided a technical analysis of the ongoing project, technical requirements document to the IT team to set up new servers. Giving estimates for new implementations. Leading the team.
    • Implemented a Car-Buying App. An iPad app for car dealers in the US. Engaged in regular meetings, designed user interface, developed middleware for communication with the database, designed database, developed application logic. Implemented REST API for vendors. Established many integrations with 3rd party data providers. Helped IT team during server migration. Implemented AWS S3 integration.
    • Developed a healthcare social app (Meaningful Use 2 Certified). Designed application architecture, designed user interface, developed middleware for communication with the database, designed database, developed application logic, push notification API integration. Implemented Windows Service for scheduled jobs.
    • Developed a yoga fitness app. Designed the user interfaces, by converting PSD files, sent by the clients, to HTML pages. Designed the database, developed middleware for communication with the database, developed application logic. Implemented Windows Service for scheduled jobs. Implemented REST API to provide system data for different vendors. Integrated with several payment systems such as Google Play, iTunes, Authorize.Net.
    • Participated in a project for a painting company for materials management purposes. Developed a web app for managing materials, labor, and overhead costs for a painting company. Designed an application architecture, developed middleware for communicating with the database, designed database, developed application logic.
  • Software Engineer

    Caprice Gold Group - 2 years 2 months

    • Developed Online Survey App. It is a survey management system that gets feedback from guests and department heads. Designed application architecture, designed user interface, developed middleware for communication with the database, designed database, developed application logic.
    • Participated in Call Center Management project. Was responsible for TCP server-client implementation between hardware and the app. I designed the user interface, developed middleware for communication with the database, designed database, developed application logic.
  • Software Engineer

    Freelance - 10 years 4 months

    • Released personal project - Search for a Friend. It is a Facebook application that provides a real-time peer-to-peer chat application for people who have common interests in Facebook. Users log into the application with their Facebook account and make their choice from their Likes list, Events list, etc. Based on certain matches, users can find to meet each other in a chat room without sharing any private information.
    • Classified breast cancer patients by using RNA-sequencing data and Machine Learning methods(Random Forest,SVM). Implemented it using R programming language. Master thesis is published on
    • Implemented a Real-Time Chat Application using web sockets.
    • Developed an E-commerce App using Microservice Architecture.
    • Developed a bitcoin project which detects pumping coins.
    • Integrated YouTube API to the app. A very small app developed by using React.JS only.
  • Software Engineer

    VeriPark - 1 year 10 months

    • Developed an insurance app. It was a SharePoint project. Created web parts in the backend. Designed custom workflows in the backend. Deployed features manually.
    • An internal web application for a GSM operator in Turkey. Used for creating campaigns for the customers by supervisors.
    • Participated in an internet banking project. Designed user interface by using a toolbox that is customized for the client, in accordance with the wireframes. Created dummy data and models for the components used in the web pages for tests.


  • MSc.Tietojenkäsittelytieteen tekniikka

    Dokuz Eylulin yliopisto · 2014 - 2017

  • BSc.Tietojenkäsittelytieteen tekniikka

    Dokuz Eylulin yliopisto · 2005 - 2010

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  • Kartoitamme yrityksenne kehitystarvetta
  • Kertoa prosessimme, jolla löydämme teille pätevän, ennakkotarkastetun kehittäjän verkostostamme
  • Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä

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