Esteban G.


Esteban er en innebygd ingeniør med solid bakgrunn innen backend-utvikling, spesialisert i Rust og Golang.

Han har omfattende erfaring innen opprettelse av maskinvare, fra skjemaer til storproduksjon, og har jobbet med multiband-teknologier som BL5, WiFi, mobilnettet, LoRa og Sigfox.

Gjennom sin karriere har Esteban anvendt AI for å optimalisere og automatisere prosesser, og bidratt til fremskritt innen finansielle tjenester og IoT-engasjement.

Han fokuserer på å maksimere verdi og strømlinjeforme prosesser for et elektrisk utstyr produsent selskap. I tillegg har Esteban bevist seg gjennom vellykkede samarbeid med Proxify-kunder.

  • C++
    C++ 6 år
  • SQL
    SQL 12 år
  • Flutter
    Flutter 2 år
Andre kunnskaper
  • TypeScript
    TypeScript 8 år
  • AWS
    AWS 6 år
  • React.js
    React.js 3 år
Esteban G.


Kom i gang

Utvalgt opplevelse


  • Senior Mobile Solutions Engineer

    Gamebench - 1 year 7 months

    Use Rust to create complex solutions for gaming analysis interacting with low-end Android and iOS APIs and implement performance-critical measurements.


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Android Android
    • C C
    • Docker Docker
    • iOS iOS
    • Python Python
    • Rust Rust
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Evyon · Full-time - 2 years 4 months

    • Being a part of Evyon, a company that exists to maximize the value of second-life EV batteries by repurposing them in a data-driven, safe, and cost-effective way.

    • To achieve our vision of a fully renewable future for everyone, Evyon is ambitious of becoming world-leading in sustainable battery systems by 2030.


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • SQL SQL
    • Flutter Flutter
    • Svelte Svelte
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Docker Docker
    • Embedded systems
    • Golang Golang
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Python Python
    • Rust Rust
  • Head Of Engineering

    Sigaba - 4 years 5 months

    • Developing the next-generation IoT devices and cloud.
    • Creating microservices and mobile developments.


    • Teknologier:
    • C++ C++
    • SQL SQL
    • React Native React Native
    • DevOps DevOps
    • AWS AWS
    • Embedded systems
    • Golang Golang
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Python Python
    • React.js React.js
    • Rust Rust
    • Vue.js Vue.js
  • Mobile & Web Architect

    Edenred México - 7 months

    • Designing international programming standard architecture patterns, code policy, candidate curriculum, infrastructure architecture and innovation in areas like Machine Learning, Image analysis and Microservice implementation for an area of more than 40 programmers, 15 web applications with 5,000k daily user spikes and five mobile applications with more than a million downloads.
    • Led the complete migration of over 500 code repositories from TFS to GIT, along with Continuous Integration.
    • Universal, on-fly card reader and card validation for mobile applications. It was written in C++
    • Anti-Fraud system written in Python and TensorFlow
      • Xamarin Business framework that was used for five applications.
    • Ticket analysis, information extraction and automatic fetching of legal invoices in Python.


    • Teknologier:
    • SQL SQL
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Python Python


  • BSc.Software Engineering

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México · 2014 - 2018

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