Kalyan K.

DevOps Engineer

Kalyan is a DevOps/SRE Engineer with seven years of commercial experience, specializing in evaluating requirements and implementing infrastructure solutions using code and cloud-native technologies.

He is proficient in AWS and Azure and excels in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Terraform. Kalyan is skilled in configuration management with tools like Ansible and is experienced in managing CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and GitHub.

He has extensive experience with containerization technologies, including Docker and Kubernetes. Kalyan’s expertise in Python and Shell scripting, combined with his hands-on approach, makes him a valuable asset for delivering efficient and scalable solutions.

  • ElasticSearch
    ElasticSearch 5 år
  • Ansible
    Ansible 6 år
  • DevOps
    DevOps 7 år
Andre kunnskaper
    Kalyan K.

    United States

    Kom i gang

    Utvalgt opplevelse


    • Senior Member of Technical Staff

      athenahealth - 3 years 6 months

      • Lead DevOps processes within the team, driving efficient infrastructure management and deployment.
      • Developed automation for infrastructure patching using AWS CloudFormation and Python, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual effort.
      • Implemented cost optimization policies by adopting the cloud custodian open-source project, resulting in monthly savings of over $15,000.
      • Played a key role in building a robust security model and VPC on AWS, ensuring data protection and compliance.
      • Automated the onboarding process of applications to API Gateway using Python, streamlining the deployment process.
      • Implemented Terraform Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) solution for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters in AWS EKS.
      • Implemented LDAP access model in AWS EKS using OpenID connector along with AWS IAM, enhancing security and access control.
      • Automated the migration of projects from JIRA to Azure DevOps, improving collaboration and project management.
      • Deployed EKS cluster for running Zeebe workflow engine and enabled monitoring, ensuring smooth workflow orchestration.
      • Implemented logging and monitoring solutions using Graylog, Prometheus, and Grafana, providing comprehensive observability.


      • Teknologier:
      • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
      • DevOps DevOps
      • AWS AWS
      • Docker Docker
      • Grafana Grafana
      • Jenkins Jenkins
      • Kubernetes Kubernetes
      • Terraform Terraform
      • Azure Azure
      • Python Python
    • Senior DevOps Engineer

      Rupeek - 11 months

      • Developed Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Terraform and Atlantis, enabling reproducible and scalable infrastructure deployments.
      • Automated AMI building with Packer and Ansible, reducing manual effort and improving consistency.
      • Utilized Terraform automation for deploying EKS clusters, ensuring streamlined cluster creation and management.
      • Designed and implemented unified CI/CD pipeline model for all applications running in EKS clusters, promoting efficient and reliable software delivery.
      • Created Helm charts and set up Helm and Docker repositories, simplifying application packaging and deployment.
      • Deployed Istio ingress and service mesh for EKS, improving traffic routing and service discovery.
      • Implemented comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions for Kubernetes clusters, leveraging New Relic, Datadog, Prometheus, Grafana, and other tools.
      • Automated pipeline creation process, reducing manual intervention by 80% and ensuring consistency across deployments.
      • Utilized various AWS services, including EC2, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, Route53, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, and Auto Scaling groups for efficient infrastructure management.
      • Automated patching to docker base images and AMIs following CIS guidelines and organization security policies.
      • Developed Python automation scripts for enforcing policies and tags on newly created resources in AWS, Jenkins RBAC, and KONG API platform.


      • Teknologier:
      • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
      • Ansible Ansible
      • Docker Docker
      • Jenkins Jenkins
      • Kubernetes Kubernetes
      • Terraform Terraform
    • DevOps Engineer

      Droice Labs - 5 months

      • Wrote automation using Ansible for Infrastructure provisioning.
      • Wrote AWS WAF policies in AWS.
      • Implemented cloud-custodian project for all AWS accounts, which resulted in $1200 monthly cost savings.
      • Developed a quality reporting app in Python for sending daily and weekly reports.
      • Setting up and maintaining different databases such as PostgreSQL, MYSQL, and MongoDB and writing automaton scripts using Python for the backup and restore processes.


      • Teknologier:
      • AWS AWS
      • Docker Docker
      • Python Python
    • DevOps Engineer

      Fidelity Investments - 1 year 10 months

      • Wrote Ansible playbooks, roles, and modules to configure different tech stacks in the servers.
      • Developed a Self-service automation tool using Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, and Python for Fidelity's ecosystem to automate server creation and provisioning.
      • Worked on automating Database deployments by configuring pipelines using Datical and uDeploy.
      • Administered EKS clusters and built CI/CD pipelines for microservices.
      • Organized DevOps day at the BU level to educate application teams about DevOps processes and tools by opening new doors for collaboration.


      • Teknologier:
      • Ansible Ansible
      • DevOps DevOps
      • AWS AWS
      • Docker Docker
      • Jenkins Jenkins
      • Python Python


    • BSc.Instrumentation Engineering

      Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University · 2011 - 2015

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