Mason B.
DevOps Engineer
Mason er en DevOps Engineer og Azure Cloud Architect med 12+ års erfaring.
Mason har vellykket implementert og administrert CI/CD-pipeliner, automasjonsverktøy og skyinfrastruktur for å støtte smidig utvikling og distribusjonspraksis. Han er også dyktig i å sette opp robust overvåkingsinfrastruktur.
Han har erfaring med å jobbe med multi-tenant-applikasjoner og med mikrotjenester. Mason er kjent for sine utmerkede kommunikasjonsevner, som effektivt samhandler med alle interessenter, enten tekniske, ikke-tekniske eller bedriftskunder.
En av hans stolteste prestasjoner er omdanningen av DevOps-infrastrukturen hos Fujitsu. Han overførte systemet fra manuell håndtering til en avansert, ende-til-ende CI/CD-prosess. Masons dedikasjon til å produsere kostnadseffektive løsninger av høy kvalitet gjør ham til en verdifull ressurs for enhver organisasjon.
- Azure 10 år
- DevOps 10 år
- Terraform 3 år
Andre kunnskaper
- C# 15 år
- .NET 15 år
- Linux 15 år
Utvalgt opplevelse
Senior DevOps Engineer & Cloud Architect
Fujitsu Finland - 13 years 1 month
- Delivered automated DevOps environments in both cloud (Azure) and on-site by architecting and implementing Fujitsu Identity and Access Management solutions using HA Kubernetes Clustering, Docker, Jenkins, Linux, Windows, C#, .NET Core REST APIs, Angular CLI, Git, Graylog, Prometheus, MSSQL Server, and Postgres.
- Spearheaded the end-to-end development of the Fujitsu Nordic Cloud invoicing platform via BMC Remedy, Microsoft SQL Reporting Services, and Microsoft Integration Services.
- Led and ensured the successful transition of application solutions during migration processes.
- Designed cost-efficient application hosting platforms across both on-premises and cloud environments.
- Implemented and integrated advanced Dynatrace Application Performance Management solutions through complex monitoring and analytics, dashboarding, and alerting.
- Provided expert-level guidance to customers on application hosting and performance management as a Pre-sales Technical Advisor and Solution Architect.
- Teknologier:
Solution Consultant
Nice Business Solutions - 3 years
- Managed projects and provided strategic IT consulting services to enhance client operations and performance.
- Developed and integrated custom software solutions tailored to client needs, improving business processes and operational efficiency.
- Teknologier:
Telecommunications IT Solution Consultant
Fujitsu Australia - 5 years
- Designed and implemented IT solutions for telecommunications clients, focusing on enhancing infrastructure and service delivery.
- Provided expert consulting services, including project management, systems integration, and technical support.
BSc.Informations Technology
Canberra University · 2003 - 2005
Standalone courseDiploma in Network Engineering
Canberra University · 2003 - 2003
Standalone courseDiploma in Systems Administration
Canberra University · 2003 - 2003
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