Alper B.
Data Engineer
Alper är dataingenjör med 20 års erfarenhet, inklusive expertis inom SQL Server, Oracle och molndatalösningar. Under de senaste 5 åren har han specialiserat sig som AWS Data Engineer och använder Python, AWS Glue, PySpark och SQLMesh för att utforma och optimera effektiva datapipelines.
Han har en god förståelse för data inom olika områden, vilket gör det möjligt för honom att förutse utmaningar och leverera proaktiva lösningar. Han har bland annat utformat och implementerat ett datalager för ett turkiskt finansinstitut, integrerat API-data i en skalbar OLAP-struktur och självständigt skapat ETL-arbetsflöden.
Hans förmåga att kommunicera komplexa begrepp på ett tydligt sätt och hans proaktiva inställning till problemlösning gör honom till en värdefull tillgång för alla organisationer.
Huvudsaklig expertis
- AWS Athena 5 år
- MSSQL 7 år
- T-SQL 5 år
Andra kompetenser
- Scrum 6 år
- PostgreSQL 5 år
- Terraform 3 år
Utvald erfarenhet
Data Engineer
Freelance - 9 månader
Contact Center Data Migration Project
Migrated historical data from MS Access to Snowflake in AWS;
Developed Python scripts and Lambda functions to retrieve daily data from call center systems via API calls;
Collaborated on designing SQL Mesh models to transform raw data into a reportable format;
Generated reports and visualizations using Tableau.
BigQuery Data Warehouse Project
Processed Google Ads data using GCP Dataform;
Designed and implemented ETL workflows with Apache Airflow;
Managed Looker repository and created dashboards using LookML for data visualization.
- Teknologier:
- AWS Athena
- Terraform
- dbt
- BigQuery
- AWS S3
- Dataflow
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Glue
- Snowflake
- Data Engineering
- Python
- Apache Spark
- Google Cloud
Data Engineer
Krakenflex - 2 år
Designed and developed product metric data models using LookML;
Built dashboards and data visualizations in Looker to support business insights;
Designed and maintained AWS Glue workflows to manage ETL processes;
Created and optimized Lambda functions using Python for data processing and automation;
Developed Athena SQL queries for efficient data analysis;
Created and maintained CloudFormation templates to manage infrastructure as code;
Built Python scripts to streamline data analysis and reporting tasks;
Troubleshot and resolved performance issues in ETL pipelines to ensure optimal efficiency;
Developed and maintained AWS Glue jobs for data transformation;
Managed AWS Glue crawlers to catalog and prepare data for analysis.
- Teknologier:
- AWS Athena
- Terraform
- AWS S3
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Glue
- Data Engineering
- Python
- Apache Spark
Data Engineer
Avios - 1 år 5 månader
Built dashboards and data visualizations using Amazon QuickSight to support decision-making;
Designed and maintained AWS Glue workflows to manage and automate data processing tasks;
Developed and maintained Lambda functions in Python for data processing and automation;
Created and optimized Athena SQL queries to facilitate efficient data analysis.
- Teknologier:
- AWS Athena
- Tableau
- Terraform
- AWS S3
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Glue
- Snowflake
- Data Engineering
- Python
- Apache Spark
- Redshift
Data Engineer
Bluenet - 5 år 10 månader
Designed Python scripts to transfer data between on-premises and cloud databases, including Azure SQL and Google BigQuery;
Created PowerShell scripts to automate maintenance tasks for over 50 database servers;
Developed stored procedures and functions for data transformation as required;
Built Apache Airflow DAGs to streamline data transfers between systems;
Designed and implemented Azure Data Factory jobs for efficient ETL processes;
Supported client development teams in database development and optimization;
Designed data warehouse structures to support scalable and efficient data analysis;
Actively maintained and managed databases on client on-premises servers to ensure optimal performance.
- Teknologier:
- BigQuery
- Data Engineering
- PostgreSQL
- Apache Spark
- Google Cloud
- Redshift
Ege University · 2017 - 2020
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