Laravel 6

In this post we share what we appreciate most about the new release.

1. Vapor Laravel compatibility - serverless

The new Laravel release is now compatible with serverless (awesomeness:>) Vapor Laravel. Scale infinitely with Vapor which simplifies the management of Laravel applications on AWS Lamdba. Magic!

2. Lazy collections - large dataset with little memory

Laravel 6.0 gives you the opportunity to work with large datasets without consuming much memory using PHP Generators.

3. Eloquent subquery enhancements

Imagine we have a table of flight destinations and a table of flights to destinations. Flights contain an arrive_at column that indicates when the flight arrived at the destination.

4. Job middleware

Job Middleware gives you the opportunity to wrap custom logic around driving queues, reducing the boilerplate in the job itself. In earlier versions of Laravel, you might have wrapped the logic of a job in a handle method within a rate-limited callback.

5. Improved exceptions via Ignition

Laravel 6.0 comes with Ignition, an open-source exception detail page. New features like Blade error file and number management.

Source: Fullstack world

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