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Lefter P.

Frontend Developer

Experienced software developer with good knowledge and many years of experience in various programming languages such as .NET Core, Node.js, JavaScript, React Native, and others.

Lefter is a software developer with 6+ years of experience. Recently, Lefter found a particular interest in frontend technologies such as React.js and Angular. He has also done mobile applications in React Native, which he enjoys very much.

Over the course of 6 years Lefter has worked with a vast amount of other technologies such as SOAP, REST APIs, JSON, Redis, RabbitMQ, Git, Laravel, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, .NET Core/.NET, Entity Framework, Dapper, Angular, React, React Native, Arduino, ESP8266, Lua, Docker, AWS, etc.

He has a strong interest in OOP, Domain-driven design (DDD), CQRS and Event sourcing, and Design patterns.

Main expertise
  • .NET Core
    .NET Core 6 years
  • React.js
    React.js 7 years
  • React Native
    React Native 6 years
Other skills
  • Angular
    Angular 3 years
  • Laravel
    Laravel 2 years
  • MySQL
    MySQL 2 years
Lefter P.


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Selected experience


  • Software Developer

    HELIUSSYSTEMS - 3 years

    • Implemented GPS service to process incoming requests from GPS devices using TCP/IP protocol;
    • Implemented Server Socket to send JSON data in low-level microcontrollers. Primarily used to display real-time information in LED Bus Stop Displays;
    • eWallet and Credit Card Payment Solutions;
    • Mobile development of Albanian Postal Office;
    • Real-time notification system using Websocket and Push Notifications to help business life cycle management;
    • Worldwide package tracking;
    • Effectively coded software changes and alterations based on specific design specifications.
  • Founder

    HOMEPOCKET - 3 years 7 months

    • Mobile application development;
    • Scalable MQTT Message Broker development;
    • IoT Rule Engine implementation with RabbitMQ;
    • Analyze Device and sensor telemetry using TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL;
    • Back-end development;
    • Embedded on real-time operating systems, and/or driver/kernel development with C or Lua;
    • IoT strategies for B2B, B2B2C business operations.
  • Software Developer

    DONAMIX - 4 months

    • Migrated old database to a new project;
    • Worked on the back-end and frontend development;
    • Maintained the production server.
  • Web Developer

    LIEGDUTCH - 5 months

    • Worked in a team of three people to develop a booking website for real-time flight information;
    • Track cheap flights, airline tickets, and airfares;
    • Stripe payment processor.


  • BSc.Informatics

    University of Tirana · 2016 - 2020

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