Giorgi M.
DevOps Engineer
Giorgi on erittäin ammattitaitoinen DevOps- ja AWS-asiantuntija, jolla on seitsemän vuoden kaupallinen kokemus ja joka on erikoistunut ohjelmistokehityksen elinkaareen, CI/CD-putkiin, automaatioon, tietojen luokitteluun ja big datan tietoturvaan. Hänen teknistä asiantuntemustaan vahvistaa myös hänen vuonna 2021 saamansa AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner -sertifikaatti.
Giorgi on toiminut menestyksekkäästi dynaamisissa start-up-ympäristöissä ja johtanut menestyksekkäästi tiimejä, edistänyt innovointia ja optimoinut prosesseja. Hän on erittäin kiinnostunut uusista teknologioista, kuten lohkoketjuista ja verkkostreamingista, ja on sitoutunut pysymään alan trendien eturintamassa. Teknisen ymmärryksensä lisäksi Giorgi tunnetaan poikkeuksellisista viestintä-, johtamis- ja esitystaidoistaan, jotka tekevät hänestä tehokkaan yhteistyökumppanin ja ryhmänjohtajan.
Tärkein asiantuntemus
- Docker 6 vuotta
- AWS 7 vuotta
- Kubernetes 6 vuotta
Muut taidot
- Azure 3 vuotta
- Google Cloud 3 vuotta
Valittu kokemus
Senior DevOps Engineer
Nike Inc. - 3 years 3 months
As a Senior DevOps Engineer I am working on Enterprise Data and Analytics solutions. We have multi-cloud environment (AWS, Azure, GCP) and we also have on premise servers in US where we store secure credentials, certificates, keys etc. I am working on sensitive data, so it means we are following US regulations, we classify the data and together with Architects we are building highly scalable solutions. Security is a main concern for Nike, so on top of the cloud security we have our own advanced solutions which includes (not limited) - OKTA authorization tokens, AD (Active Directory) groups, GID users and so on. I am actively working on Data Pipelines (PySpark, Splunk, Kafka), CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, Travis, CircleCI), Role to role grants/accesses, Kubernetes, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, Ansible Snowflake warehouses with Petabytes of data. For scripting we use Python mostly, but for on-premises servers which we are managing by Ansible, I am writing some bootstrap scripts on Powershell.
All of my work is reviewed by CIS - Nike internal Security team, so the product I am creating complies all required standards.
I got certified on AWS at Nike last year.
My daily routine includes a lot of meetings with Stakeholders, POs, Engineering Managers, Architects - So I am a great communicator.
- Tekniikat:
Google Cloud
Senior DevOps Engineer
GreenSky - 7 months
At GreenSky I was working in the AI team, they were responsible for Chatbot application that was developed from Scratch when I joined the team. I was mostly working on AWS - Fargate, ECS, EKS, Pinpoint, Route 53, VPC, Nat Gateways, RDS, CIDR, ALB, ACM, S3, Secrets Manager and so on.. for the CI/CD I was working to automate legacy pipelines and building Blue/Green deployment model for the company. I was heavily working on Terraform (IAC) and Kubernetes on my daily basis.
- Tekniikat:
Senior DevOps Engineer
ProductSavvy - 1 year 5 months
At ProductSavvy I got my first experience on Terraform and Kubernetes. On Terraform I started using it instead of CloudFormation and on Kubernetes I was doing POC and learning the "old" version they had in 2017.
I can say that the significant experience I got at ProductSavvy was a startup experience. When I joined the team I was the only Senior DevOps there and I created most of the infrastructure from scratch, which was a great experience for me, I was trying to automate as much as possible, follow AWS WAF framework and follow best practices generally.
- Tekniikat:
DevOps Engineer
T-Kroud - 2 years
This is my first job as a DevOps Engineer, I was living in the USA for 1 year and I got my first offer in Brooklyn, NY. After my university it was the first place I started to get real life hands on experience, I was learning cloud, also spending some time managing on-prem linux servers and touching CI/CD with Jenkins.
- Tekniikat:
BSc.Computer Science
American University in Bulgaria · 2011 - 2015
Löydä seuraava kehittäjäsi päivien, ei kuukausien sisällä
Kun otat yhteyttä, järjestämme lyhyen 25 minuuttia kestävän tapaamisen, jonka aikana:
- Kartoitamme yrityksenne kehitystarvetta
- Kertoa prosessimme, jolla löydämme teille pätevän, ennakkotarkastetun kehittäjän verkostostamme
- Käymme läpi askeleet, joilla oikea ehdokas pääsee aloittamaan – useimmiten viikon sisällä