Giorgi M.
DevOps Engineer
Giorgi er en høyt kvalifisert DevOps- og AWS-ekspert med syv års forretningsbakgrunn, som spesialiserer seg på programvareutviklings livssyklus, CI/CD-pipeliner, automatisering, dataklassifisering og big data-sikkerhet. Hans tekniske ekspertise er ytterligere bekreftet av hans AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner-sertifisering, oppnådd i 2021.
Med en dokumentert merittliste i dynamiske oppstartsmiljøer har Giorgi med suksess ledet team, drevet innovasjon og optimalisert prosesser. Han har en sterk interesse for nye teknologier, inkludert blokkjedeteknologi og nettablering, og er forpliktet til å være i forkant av industriens trender. I tillegg til sin tekniske dyktighet er Giorgi anerkjent for sine eksepsjonelle kommunikasjon, ledelse og presentasjonsferdigheter, noe som gjør ham til en effektiv samarbeidspartner og teamleder.
- Docker 6 år
- AWS 7 år
- Kubernetes 6 år
Andre kunnskaper
- Azure 3 år
- Google Cloud 3 år
Utvalgt opplevelse
Senior DevOps Engineer
Nike Inc. - 3 years 3 months
As a Senior DevOps Engineer I am working on Enterprise Data and Analytics solutions. We have multi-cloud environment (AWS, Azure, GCP) and we also have on premise servers in US where we store secure credentials, certificates, keys etc. I am working on sensitive data, so it means we are following US regulations, we classify the data and together with Architects we are building highly scalable solutions. Security is a main concern for Nike, so on top of the cloud security we have our own advanced solutions which includes (not limited) - OKTA authorization tokens, AD (Active Directory) groups, GID users and so on. I am actively working on Data Pipelines (PySpark, Splunk, Kafka), CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, Travis, CircleCI), Role to role grants/accesses, Kubernetes, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, Ansible Snowflake warehouses with Petabytes of data. For scripting we use Python mostly, but for on-premises servers which we are managing by Ansible, I am writing some bootstrap scripts on Powershell.
All of my work is reviewed by CIS - Nike internal Security team, so the product I am creating complies all required standards.
I got certified on AWS at Nike last year.
My daily routine includes a lot of meetings with Stakeholders, POs, Engineering Managers, Architects - So I am a great communicator.
- Teknologier:
Google Cloud
Senior DevOps Engineer
GreenSky - 7 months
At GreenSky I was working in the AI team, they were responsible for Chatbot application that was developed from Scratch when I joined the team. I was mostly working on AWS - Fargate, ECS, EKS, Pinpoint, Route 53, VPC, Nat Gateways, RDS, CIDR, ALB, ACM, S3, Secrets Manager and so on.. for the CI/CD I was working to automate legacy pipelines and building Blue/Green deployment model for the company. I was heavily working on Terraform (IAC) and Kubernetes on my daily basis.
- Teknologier:
Senior DevOps Engineer
ProductSavvy - 1 year 5 months
At ProductSavvy I got my first experience on Terraform and Kubernetes. On Terraform I started using it instead of CloudFormation and on Kubernetes I was doing POC and learning the "old" version they had in 2017.
I can say that the significant experience I got at ProductSavvy was a startup experience. When I joined the team I was the only Senior DevOps there and I created most of the infrastructure from scratch, which was a great experience for me, I was trying to automate as much as possible, follow AWS WAF framework and follow best practices generally.
- Teknologier:
DevOps Engineer
T-Kroud - 2 years
This is my first job as a DevOps Engineer, I was living in the USA for 1 year and I got my first offer in Brooklyn, NY. After my university it was the first place I started to get real life hands on experience, I was learning cloud, also spending some time managing on-prem linux servers and touching CI/CD with Jenkins.
- Teknologier:
BSc.Computer Science
American University in Bulgaria · 2011 - 2015
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