Alexander B.
Alexander er en talentfull programvareingeniør med over 12 års forretningsbakgrunn, som viser en variert karriere på tvers av ulike bransjer. Nylig har han fokusert på DeFi og blokkjedeteknologi, samtidig som han har gjort betydelige bidrag innen fintech, IoT, bildebehandling og nettverkssikkerhet.
En av Alexanders stolteste prestasjoner er utviklingen av et Rust SDK for Android og iOS. Dette prosjektet fremhevet hans eksepsjonelle tekniske ferdigheter og dedikasjon da han skapte nøkkelkomponenter som et Rust-basert nettverkslag, krysskompilering for Android/iOS, og en effektiv CI/CD-pipeline fra bunnen av.
Ser fremover er Alexander begeistret for å videreføre karrieren sin innen DeFi og blokkjedeteknologi, samtidig som han utvikler en økende interesse for AI og maskinlæring.
- Rust 3 år
- C++ 10 år
- REST API 5 år
Andre kunnskaper
- JavaScript 3 år
- TypeScript 2 år
- SQL 2 år
Utvalgt opplevelse
Rust Developer - 2 years 1 month
- Implemented functionality in Rust for monitoring the state of smart contracts deployed on the Polygon, an Ethereum-compatible blockchain
- Initiated the liquidation of risky positions to protect the funds of lenders
- Triggered calls to smart contract methods to perform liquidation, execute limit orders, and stop-loss/take-profit orders
- Utilized tools such as Rust, Tokio,, ethers.js, abigen, async-trait, error-stack,, and cargo make for the development and execution of tasks
- Teknologier:
Software Engineer (Rust)
Yalantis - 6 months
- Implemented asynchronous socket API bindings between Rust and mobile platforms, specifically for Android Kotlin API and iOS Swift API, using UniFFI foreign-language bindings declared with Interface Definition Language
- Integrated a dynamic Rust library for Android Kotlin projects into GitLab CI, configuring it to utilize a private Maven package registry
- Cross-compiled Rust UniFFI interfaces for native Android targets (arm64, armeabi, x86, x86_64)
- Set up a GitLab CI pipeline to generate and deploy the Android Maven package to the private Maven registry
- Integrated the Android native library with the Rust code into the Kotlin project
- Utilized tools including Rust, Tokio, Tonik, Hyper, uniffi-rs, and cargo make for development and deployment tasks
- Teknologier:
Software Engineer
NDA - 2 years 2 months
- Implemented table and query-processing logic using TypeScript and Rust
- Developed a TypeScript and QML API to facilitate user connectivity to a data stream from multiple tables and provided query and data visualization capabilities through a user interface
- Maintained a serialization-deserialization layer in Rust, bridging the backend with an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and native Qt objects represented as QTableModels, leveraging the qmetaobject crate
- Created a library of custom QML controls aimed at enhancing user experience (UX) and expanding functionality
- Utilized tools such as QML, TypeScript, Rust, qmetaobject, serde, C++11, Qt Framework, and CMake for development and project implementation
- Teknologier:
MSc.Informational-control Systems and Technologies
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine · 2008 - 2009
BSc.Informational-control Systems and Technologies
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine · 2006 - 2008
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