Angel A.

DevOps Engineer

Angel is a seasoned DevOps Engineer with over eight years of experience, specializing in AWS provisioning, CI/CD pipeline setup, and deploying services on AWS EKS using Terraform.

As the head of DevOps & SRE at GBH, Angel leads his team in refining processes and collaborates closely with the sales team to create tailored DevOps solutions. His proactive approach and clear communication foster continuous improvement and ensure smooth project execution.

Angel is committed to enhancing system operations and security, consistently delivering significant results. His expertise in navigating and solving complex technical challenges makes him an asset in fast-paced environments.

  • AWS
    AWS 6 Jahre
  • Kubernetes
    Kubernetes 4 Jahre
  • Ruby
    Ruby 3 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
  • Azure
    Azure 3 Jahre
  • Google Cloud
    Google Cloud 2 Jahre
Angel A.

Dominican Republic

Erste Schritte

Ausgewählte Erfahrung


  • Head of DevOps & SRE

    GBH - 2 jahre 2 monate

    • Led the DevOps team in building a robust infrastructure and toolchain for US-based startups and local companies.
    • Oversaw budgeting and resource allocation for DevOps initiatives.
    • Collaborated closely with sales teams to understand customer needs and develop compelling DevOps solutions as part of the sales cycle, contributing directly to client acquisition and retention.


    • Technologien:
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Ansible Ansible
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Docker Docker
    • JavaScript JavaScript
  • DevOps Engineer

    AMP Agency - 1 jahr 4 monate

    • Provisioning of AWS infrastructure resources using IaC principles with Terraform and Terraform Cloud.
    • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for projects based on web client applications, CMS and APIs.
    • Deployment of applications to a Kubernetes-based infrastructure architecture on AWS EKS using Ansible and Ruby-based scripting.


    • Technologien:
    • AWS AWS
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Ruby Ruby
    • Google Cloud Google Cloud
    • Ansible Ansible
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Docker Docker
    • Linux Linux
  • DevOps Engineer

    Genome Digital - 1 jahr 2 monate

    (ACQUIRED by AMP Agency)

    • Provisioning of AWS infrastructure resources using IaC principles with Terraform and Terraform Cloud.
    • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for projects based on web client applications, CMS, and APIs.
    • Deployment of applications to a Kubernetes-based infrastructure architecture on AWS EKS using Ansible and Ruby-based scripting.


    • Technologien:
    • AWS AWS
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Ruby Ruby
    • Ansible Ansible
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Docker Docker
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • Linux Linux
  • DevOps Manager

    GBH - 2 jahre 7 monate

    • Built and led a team of DevOps engineers, fostering collaboration and a culture of continuous improvement.
    • Expanded DevOps principles across the organization, defining and implementing processes to bridge the gap between development, operations, and security (DevSecOps).
    • Managed the DevOps department budgets (tools, platforms, people), ensuring cost-effectiveness and organizational goals alignment.
    • Translated business needs into technical requirements, and designed the infrastructure and platform architecture for multiple US clients (startups) to ensure security, scalability, and resiliency for long-term operations.


    • Technologien:
    • AWS AWS
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Azure Azure
    • Google Cloud Google Cloud
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Docker Docker
    • JavaScript JavaScript


  • BSc.Computer Systems Engineering

    Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña · 2016 - 2022

  • FortbildungInformation Networks

    Las Americas Technology Institute · 2013 - 2015

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