Artur U.
Seasoned C++ Developer
Artur is a highly skilled C++ Developer with over nine years of experience, specializing in high-performance software solutions across Linux, Windows, and macOS. His expertise spans C++, C, and Python, with a strong focus on system-level programming, architecture design, and design patterns. He is also proficient in working with key compilers to optimize software efficiency.
At Siemens EDA, Artur leads client-server architecture projects, ensuring seamless platform interactions and robust system performance. His technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities have enabled him to advance rapidly from developer to team lead.
Clients appreciate his ability to tackle complex challenges with precision, delivering secure, scalable, and high-quality solutions that drive business success.
- C++ 8 Jahre
- Python 6 Jahre
- Android 5 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
- Team leading 4 Jahre
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Lead Software Engineer
Siemens EDA - 6 jahre 9 monate
● Designed client-server architecture for launching Linux applications from Windows with runtime interaction.
● Developed standalone Crash analyzing application based on Windows debugging APIs.
● Involved in Wine open-source product development.
● Integrated Scintilla editor as customized command line interface.
● Designed infrastructure for cross-platform simulation runs.
● Developed a cross-platform communication module for an included Python part, enabling seamless communication between different software components.
- Technologien:
Software Engineer
Zangi livecom - 2 jahre 9 monate
● Implemented from scratch end-to-end encryption for IOS and Android platforms.
● Developed and implemented Zangi's Binary protocol.
● Developed and implemented Binary protocol to XMPP protocol gateway (module).
● Developed and implemented media proxy for a conference server.
● Developed server and client communication of the signaling part, including network connections, security, and protocol implementation.
● Developed and improved the audio/video part of the existing code and system (coding, decoding, streaming protocol, and security in independent implementation.
- Technologien:
MSc.Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics
Yerevan State University · 2016 - 2018
BSc.Informatics and Applied Mathematics
Yerevan State University · 2012 - 2016
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