Goran D.
Goran ist ein leitender Android-Entwickler mit zwölf Jahren Berufserfahrung, der sich auf die Entwicklung nativer Apps, Produktdesign und Teamleitung spezialisiert hat.
Er hat Erfahrung in der plattformübergreifenden Entwicklung mit React Native und leitet derzeit das Team für mobile Apps bei Airthinx.io, wo er eine Anwendung zur Überwachung der Luftqualität entwickelt, mit der Nutzer die Luft, die sie atmen, visualisieren können. In dieser Funktion ist er für die Sprint-Planung, die Entwicklung von Funktionen und die Aktualisierung von App-Versionen zuständig.
Gorans Führungsqualitäten gehen über die Entwicklung hinaus, da er als Teamleiter, technischer Leiter und öffentlicher Redner bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen der Entwicklergemeinschaft tätig war. Seine Leidenschaft für das Unterrichten zeigt sich auch darin, dass er Miteigentümer einer Programmierschule für Kinder ist, wo er aktiv zur Ausbildung der nächsten Generation von Entwicklern beiträgt. Er kennt sich gut mit agilen Methoden aus, insbesondere mit Scrum und Kanban, um ein effizientes Projektmanagement und eine effiziente Projektabwicklung zu gewährleisten.
- Android 10 Jahre
- Java 10 Jahre
- Kotlin 4 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
- React Native 4 Jahre
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Mobile Apps Team Lead
Airthinx - 3 jahre 7 monate
Project: Air quality monitoring app
Airthinx is an air quality monitoring app that enables users to see the air they breathe. The app is a part of 360 AQ management systems that proved to be in the level of professional AQ measurement solutions. As mobile lead I did hiring (iOS and RN devs), managed sprint plannings and app update releases for production apps. While continuing my work as native android developer on R&D projects as my primary technical role.
- Technologien:
- Android
- Kotlin
- React Native
- Git
- Scrum
- Mobile testing
- Team leading
Senior Android Developer
Airthinx - 3 jahre 10 monate
Initial app prototype was developed using native technologies (Android and iOS) while first production versions were developed and maintained as ReactNative app. After a few years in production we went with native rewrite to support future development demands. I was involved in development of ReactNative and Native versions and solely responsible for maintenance and fixes afterwards.
- Technologien:
- Android
- Java
- Kotlin
- React Native
- Scrum
Dexter's IT Lab - 8 jahre 8 monate
After-school program focused on IT education for kids 8-16.
Codemind d.o.o - 1 jahr 2 monate
Portier apps and device
Portier devices are customized for luxury hotel guests, keeping guests connected to the hotel during their entire stay. Guests can engage with a hotel’s concierge and guest services department anytime, anywhere, whether in the hotel or exploring the city. I worked on customizing CyanogenMod ROM, which will ship with devices, along with a custom launcher app and other apps needed for the Portier device experience. The app is currently in development. Planned release in December.
Remote Healthcare app
The app lets doctors connect with their patients, colleagues, and organizations to support remote healthcare. Besides communication, the app supports custom hardware (for ear and eye inspections), enabling patients to run quality self-diagnostics and share results with healthcare professionals. App in a clinical trial.
- Technologien:
- Android
Senior Android Developer
Netronix Inc. - 2 jahre 4 monate
When joining Netronix Goran started work on Topo. Topo was fleet monitoring app, based on Netronix IoT platform, that enables business easy fleet management. With real time location tracking, intuitive UI, great analytics for managers and great integration with in-car devices, this app replaces conventional GPS trackers in motor vehicles, but also provides easy GPS tracking solutions for vehicles without electronics such as bikes. App provides better flexibility for drivers and fleet managers.
- Technologien:
- Android
- Java
Technical Lead
Execom d.o.o - 5 monate
As technical lead in IT outsourcing company Goran lead project teams up to 15 people and worked with clients directly.
- Technologien:
- Android
- Git
- Team leading
Software Engineer
Execom d.o.o - 3 jahre 6 monate
Goran joined IT outsourcing company strait from the university. While working there Goran had the opportunity to work on many different projects and gain significant experience in software engineering best practices.
- Technologien:
- Android
- Java
- Git
BSc.Computer Science
University of Novi Sad · 2007 - 2011
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