Jorge S.

FullStack Developer

Jorge is a Fullstack Developer with nine years of commercial experience, specializing in backend and web development. He is adept at handling all stages of the development process, from gathering client requirements to deploying applications on servers. Jorge is proficient in Node.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, and PHP.

In his career, Jorge has also served as a Tech Lead, managing a team of six developers. He is passionate about details and dedicated to enhancing the user experience, ensuring clients are thoroughly satisfied with the final product.

  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 8 Jahre
  • WordPress
    WordPress 7 Jahre
  • Node.js
    Node.js 6 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
  • Digital Ocean
    Digital Ocean 6 Jahre
  • AWS S3
    AWS S3 5 Jahre
  • Tailwind
    Tailwind 5 Jahre
Jorge Simoes
Jorge S.


Erste Schritte

Ausgewählte Erfahrung


  • Tech Lead Developer

    Pentafinanciero SA - 4 jahre 7 monate

    • Worked at Pentafinanciero S.A., a company providing financial and banking services to small and large companies in Chile.
    • Led the migration from SQL to a NoSQL database, deprecating the ORM model in favor of a middleware library to manage communication with DynamoDB. This change resulted in a fully serverless application and reduced AWS service costs by 70%.
    • Managed a team of six developers to create an application for the company's internal executives. The application integrated with third-party APIs such as Hubspot, Mixpanel, and Intercom to enhance business strategies and provide better services to customers.
    • Automated the process of filling out and retrieving data from the tax entity portal using scrapers, significantly improving the user experience for customers by saving them approximately 20 minutes of manual work to meet the requirements for financial services.


    • Technologien:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • React.js React.js
    • Node.js Node.js
    • AWS AWS
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Jest Jest
    • Puppeteer Puppeteer
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • AWS Lambda AWS Lambda
    • Terraform Terraform
    • DynamoDB DynamoDB
    • GraphQL GraphQL
    • Tailwind Tailwind
    • Team leading
  • Senior FullStack Developer

    Asimov Consultores - 2 jahre 11 monate

    • Worked at Asimov Consultores, an IT consulting company specializing in developing personalized web applications with a focus on user experience and usability.
    • Created advanced charts using D3.js to visualize large datasets for the Chilean government's Open Data project, which aimed to display the government's spending budget to citizens.
    • Developed an application that created banking profiles for entrepreneurs seeking financial assistance and services, resulting in over 400,000 users in the first month and earning the company an award from the client.
    • Served as a Fullstack developer on various projects for both public and private sector clients, handling tasks ranging from building solutions from scratch to automating pipelines.
    • Promoted to team leader due to strong client management skills, soft skills, and ability to mentor fellow colleagues.


    • Technologien:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • WordPress WordPress
    • React.js React.js
    • Node.js Node.js
    • PHP PHP
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • D3.js D3.js
    • Digital Ocean Digital Ocean
    • Django Django
    • Jenkins Jenkins
    • Tailwind Tailwind
    • Shopify Shopify
  • FullStack Developer

    Belike SLR - 1 jahr 11 monate

    • Worked at Belike SLR, a company providing marketing and IT solutions to the Dominican Republic market.
    • Developed multiple e-commerce solutions on Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce to deliver rapid and reliable store management for clients.
    • Built the official Samsung e-commerce platform for the Dominican Republic using Magento 2 in just four months, achieving a peak of over two thousand users in the first week without any downtime.


    • Technologien:
    • WordPress WordPress
    • PHP PHP
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Digital Ocean Digital Ocean
    • Magento Magento
    • Shopify Shopify


  • BSc.Computer Science

    IUT Dr. Federico Rivero Palacio, Caracas · 2007 - 2012


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