Nikola M.


Nikola ist ein Softwareentwickler mit sieben Jahren Berufserfahrung, spezialisiert auf Frontend-Entwicklung mit Magento.

Seine fundierten Kenntnisse von Magento ermöglichen es ihm, dynamische und reaktionsschnelle Lösungen zu entwickeln, die das Benutzererlebnis verbessern und die Funktionalität optimieren.

Nikola hat in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden von Proxify stets hochwertige Ergebnisse geliefert. Seine Vielseitigkeit und seine Fähigkeit, verschiedene Entwicklungsherausforderungen zu meistern, haben ihn zu einem wichtigen Mitwirkenden an zahlreichen erfolgreichen Projekten gemacht.

  • Git
    Git 7 Jahre
  • Jira
    Jira 5 Jahre
  • SCSS
    SCSS 4 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
  • Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop 8 Jahre
  • Bootstrap
    Bootstrap 7 Jahre
  • Knockout.js
    Knockout.js 7 Jahre
Nikola M.


Erste Schritte

Ausgewählte Erfahrung


  • Senior Magento (Adobe Commerce) / React.js developer / Next.js (part-time)

    Scripttic - 3 jahre 8 monate

    • Employed in a Dutch company, responsible for the support and maintenance of approximately 10 ongoing projects.

    • Actively involved in developing new projects from inception, building them from the ground up.

    • Specialized in Composable Commerce, contributing to adopting modern and flexible eCommerce solutions.

    • Utilized React.js technologies for front-end development, particularly in implementing Progressive Web Applications (PWAs).

    • Demonstrated versatility by seamlessly transitioning between project support and creating new solutions.


    • Technologien:
    • Postman Postman
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Knockout.js Knockout.js
    • Next.js Next.js
    • Magento Magento
    • PHP PHP
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • MySQL MySQL
    • React.js React.js
    • CSS CSS
    • Less CSS Less CSS
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Adobe XD Adobe XD
    • Figma Figma
    • HTML / CSS
  • Magento/PWA Front-end Developer

    Jola Interactive - 2 jahre 4 monate

    • Worked in an American company, taking a leadership role as the Front-End lead for a Magento 2 project (HTD) and provided support for additional projects in their operational phase.

    • Led the development and successful launch of two Magento 2 Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) from inception, incorporating React hooks for enhanced functionality.

    • Played a key role in the maintenance of several Magento projects, ensuring ongoing stability and performance.


    • Technologien:
    • Postman Postman
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Knockout.js Knockout.js
    • Magento Magento
    • PHP PHP
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • MySQL MySQL
    • React.js React.js
    • CSS CSS
    • Less CSS Less CSS
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Adobe XD Adobe XD
    • Figma Figma
    • HTML / CSS
  • Magento Front-end Developer

    Ates Soft - 7 monate

    • Contributed to a Serbian outsourcing agency specializing in services for Dutch companies.

    • Successfully developed, launched, and maintained two Magento projects, showcasing expertise in eCommerce solutions.

    • Led the development efforts for a WordPress multisite project, ensuring its successful implementation and ongoing maintenance.

    • Collaborated with Dutch clients, understanding their requirements and translating them into effective technical solutions.

    • Played a pivotal role in the planning, execution, and delivery of Magento and WordPress projects.


    • Technologien:
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Knockout.js Knockout.js
    • Magento Magento
    • PHP PHP
    • WordPress WordPress
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • MySQL MySQL
    • CSS CSS
    • Less CSS Less CSS
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
    • HTML / CSS
  • Magento Frontend Developer

    Younify - 1 jahr 6 monate

    • Collaborated with a 25+ member team in a Dutch company with an office in Niš, Serbia.

    • Specialized in the development of Magento 1.x and 2.x stores, contributing to the team's expertise in eCommerce solutions.

    • Played a key role in the planning and execution of Magento store development projects.

    • Engaged in cross-functional communication with team members, ensuring seamless coordination and project alignment.


    • Technologien:
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Knockout.js Knockout.js
    • Magento Magento
    • PHP PHP
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • MySQL MySQL
    • CSS CSS
    • Less CSS Less CSS
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
    • HTML / CSS

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