Oleksii K.
Mobile Developer
Oleksii is a skilled software developer specializing in backend and mobile application development, with over five years of commercial experience. His expertise spans iOS and Android development, with a strong background in Xamarin and .NET technologies.
He stays up to date with modern mobile application trends and emphasizes clear communication with clients to deliver solutions that align with their needs while adapting quickly to evolving requirements.
Confident, self-motivated, and results-driven, Oleksii has successfully led and managed projects for both individuals and startups. His leadership experience includes managing a team of ten, overseeing code reviews, mentoring developers, and driving project success.
With excellent communication skills and fluency in English, he collaborates effectively with clients and teams, ensuring seamless project execution and high-quality outcomes.
- C# 5 Jahre
- Xamarin 5 Jahre
- Android 5 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Xamarin Tech Lead
Trinetix LLC - 5 jahre 2 monate
Writing cross-platform code.
The layout of the application for iOS/Android.
Discussing new tasks and code review.
Estimate projects and mentoring new developers.
Meetings about new tasks and teams.
Working in different teams in one time. Discussing with BE team about the new API.
- Technologien:
Senior Xamarin Developer
Trinetix LLC - 1 jahr 4 monate
Writing cross-platform code.
The layout of the application for iOS/Android.
Discussing new tasks and code review.
- Technologien:
Xamarin Developer
Trinetix LLC - 1 jahr 1 monat
Writing cross-platform code.
The layout of the application for iOS.
Fixing Android bugs.
- Technologien:
Xamarin Developer
IT Company Group - 1 monat
- Writing cross-platform code.
- Technologien:
.NET Developer
First Mobile Systems - 1 jahr 3 monate
- Writing cross-platform code.
- Technologien:
MSc.Faculty of Physics and Technology
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University · 2016 - 2018
BSc.Faculty of Physics and Technology
Donetsk National University · 2012 - 2016
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