Simon I.

DevOps Engineer

Simon ist ein erfahrener, ergebnisorientierter Fachmann mit umfassenden Kenntnissen in den Bereichen Softwaretechnik, DevOps und AWS.

Mit einer starken Erfolgsbilanz in verschiedenen Rollen hat sich Simon in verschiedenen Projekten hervorgetan und seine Kompetenz in verschiedenen Technologien und Methoden unter Beweis gestellt. Er spielte eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung einer neuen Website und eines CMS für das 3D-Visualisierungstool Gaea+, verwaltete die Migration von Anwendungen auf Kubernetes und leitete die Entwicklung einer Vorzeige-Web-Shop-Anwendung.

Als AWS-Experte bringt Simon eine solide Grundlage in der Projektleitung mit und verbindet seine technischen Kenntnisse mit einem kooperativen und ergebnisorientierten Ansatz. Seine Fähigkeiten und sein Engagement machen ihn zu einem wertvollen Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen Softwareentwicklung, DevOps und Projektleitung.

  • AWS Lambda
    AWS Lambda 5 Jahre
  • Git
    Git 10 Jahre
  • DevOps
    DevOps 5 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
  • CSS
    CSS 8 Jahre
  • AWS S3
    AWS S3 5 Jahre
  • YugabyteDB
    YugabyteDB 5 Jahre
Simon I.


Erste Schritte

Ausgewählte Erfahrung


  • DevOps Engineer

    PiplShare - 4 monate

    • Spearheaded the setup of a robust Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline;

    • Implemented the CI/CD pipeline using Docker Compose, ensuring seamless integration of development, testing, and deployment processes;

    • Utilized GitLab as the primary version control and collaboration platform, configuring workflows to automate the build, test, and deployment phases;

    • Collaborated with development and operations teams to define and implement CI/CD best practices, streamlining the software delivery lifecycle;

    • Automated the deployment process, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual errors by leveraging Docker Compose for containerization;

    • Conducted regular assessments and optimizations of the CI/CD pipeline, identifying areas for improvement and implementing necessary adjustments;

    • Provided documentation and training to team members on the CI/CD pipeline setup, ensuring knowledge transfer and promoting a collaborative development environment;

    • Demonstrated expertise in orchestrating Docker containers and integrating version control tools to establish a reliable and scalable CI/CD infrastructure.


    • Technologien:
    • Git Git
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Docker Docker
  • Python Developer

    Akoda d.o.o. - 5 jahre 9 monate

    • Manages the maintenance of a Windows service written in Python, dedicated to parsing emails from Siemens devices for fire alarms;

    • Ensures the functionality and reliability of the service, performing regular checks and troubleshooting to address any issues promptly;

    • Collaborates with relevant stakeholders to understand and implement updates or modifications to the parsing mechanism as needed;

    • Implements enhancements to the Python codebase, optimizing performance and incorporating improvements to meet evolving requirements;

    • Coordinates with firefighters and relevant personnel to customize SMS alerting parameters and ensure timely and accurate notifications;

    • Monitors the overall system for potential issues, implementing proactive measures to prevent service disruptions;

    • Maintains documentation for the Windows service, including codebase documentation and operational procedures;

    • Keeps abreast of industry best practices and emerging technologies, applying relevant knowledge to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the email parsing and alerting system.


    • Technologien:
    • Git Git
    • Python Python
  • DevOps Engineer

    Plume Design, Inc - 5 jahre 11 monate

    • Manages the maintenance, cloud upgrades, scale, on-call duties, and monitoring activities for five clouds owned by a Tier 1 US ISP;

    • Successfully scales production clouds to accommodate 55 million active locations, ensuring optimal performance and reliability;

    • Leads the comprehensive knowledge transfer process, facilitating the seamless transition of ownership from Plume to a major Tier 1 US ISP;

    • Orchestrates the migration of applications from EC2 to EKS (Kubernetes) using Helm and Terraform, enhancing efficiency and modernizing the infrastructure;

    • Develops a "Plume monitoring" Helm chart to effectively monitor the infrastructure, incorporating technologies such as Prometheus, Thanos, Alertmanager, and Opsgenie;

    • Collaborates as a member of a squad dedicated to transitioning services from EC2 to ECS, contributing to the overall evolution and improvement of cloud services.


    • Technologien:
    • YugabyteDB YugabyteDB
    • Git Git
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Grafana Grafana
    • MongoDB MongoDB
    • AWS EC2 AWS EC2
    • AWS Athena
    • Apache ZooKeeper Apache ZooKeeper
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Docker Docker
    • AWS AWS
    • Jenkins Jenkins
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • Terraform Terraform
    • Linux Linux
    • Helm Helm
    • Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server
    • Bash Bash
  • Senior Software Engineer

    XLAB - 9 jahre 6 monate

    • Leads the development of a new website and Content Management System (CMS) for the Gaea+ 3D visualization tool, utilizing PHP and building on the Zend Framework from scratch;

    • Contributes to the enhancement of Gaea+ 3D visualization tool by developing new features in Java on the Netbeans platform, as part of the Pandora EU research project;

    • Designs and implements an image generator for the DiveFor EU research project using Python, showcasing expertise in diverse programming languages;

    • Takes charge of developing a showcase web shop application in Spring Framework (Java) and conducts load testing with JMeter as part of the CloudScale EU research project;

    • Assumes the role of maintaining, deploying, monitoring, and implementing new features for the SmartLocator product written in Django;

    • Serves as the project leader for the Fortissimo 2 EU research project, overseeing the development of the Fortissimo Marketplace in PHP (Drupal) and coordinating technical collaboration between XLAB, Magneti d.d., and Arctur d.o.o HPC for various projects;

    • Takes on the responsibility of being the Market Assessment Leader for Fortissimo Marketplace within the Fortissimo 2 EU research project;

    • Holds the position of project leader for the Trillion EU research project, leading UI/UX research and development of the Trillion web application in Django, and utilizing Rancher for deployment.


    • Technologien:
    • PHP PHP
    • CSS CSS
    • Django Django
    • Git Git
    • Java Java
    • MongoDB MongoDB
    • Spring Spring
    • Usability testing
    • Tomcat Tomcat
    • Ajax Ajax
    • Docker Docker
    • Python Python
    • Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server
    • Drupal Drupal
    • Zend Zend


  • MSc.Computer Science

    University of Ljubljana · 2012 - 2015

  • BSc.Computer Science

    University of Ljubljana · 2008 - 2012

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