Vitaliy K.


Vitaliy ist ein erfahrener Fullstack-Entwickler mit 19 Jahren Berufserfahrung, der sich auf Python, Django, Vue.js und Datenbanken wie Postgres und MySQL spezialisiert hat.

Seine vielseitige Karriere umfasst Fachwissen in den Bereichen Datenverarbeitung, Cloud-Infrastruktur, Computer Vision und maschinelles Lernen.

Als Schöpfer eines weit verbreiteten Open-Source-Projekts hat Vitaliy bedeutende Beiträge zur Tech-Community geleistet und verfügt über bemerkenswerte Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Computer Vision und Large Language Models (LLMs). Außerdem hat er durch die Leitung eines sechsköpfigen Teams starke Führungs- und Projektmanagementfähigkeiten bewiesen.

  • Redis
    Redis 5 Jahre
  • Computer Vision 3 Jahre
  • Apache Airflow
    Apache Airflow 3 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
  • React.js
    React.js 3 Jahre
  • Java
    Java 2 Jahre
  • C++
    C++ 2 Jahre
Vitaliy K.


Erste Schritte

Ausgewählte Erfahrung


  • Tech Lead

    Smartist - 1 jahr 6 monate

    The company specializes in assisting artists with the visualization of their artworks, utilizing advanced Machine Learning and Computer Vision algorithms to bring creative visions to life.

    Vitaliy played a crucial role in this process by:

    • Incorporated Machine Learning models into the solution.
    • Integrated REST APIs into the company's technology stack.
    • Developed a scalable and cost efficient solution on AWS cloud.
    • Streamlined operations for the seamless integration of technology and art.


    • Technologien:
    • Redis Redis
    • Computer Vision
    • AWS AWS
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Django Django
    • Docker Docker
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • ChatGPT API ChatGPT API
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • JavaScript JavaScript
  • Open source maintainer

    Django Ninja - 4 jahre 10 monate

    Django Ninja is an open-source framework that Vitaliy developed himself and is used for building rapid REST APIs using Python and Django. It gained popularity and is now actively used by a few companies. Currently, it has

    • 6k+ GitHub stars
    • 250k+ downloads per month.
    • Growing engaged community


    • Technologien:
    • Rust Rust
    • Django Django
    • Python Python
  • Consultant

    Dynata - 4 jahre 7 monate

    Company helps busineses harness the power data to make informed, intelligent decisions about the products and messages they bring to market.

    • Vitaliy helped introduce Python into development
      • Integrated data pipelines for multiple clients and data streams
      • Created APIs integrations
      • Managed cloud infrastructure


    • Technologien:
    • Redis Redis
    • Apache Airflow Apache Airflow
    • AWS AWS
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Docker Docker
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Python Python
    • ChatGPT API ChatGPT API
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • React.js React.js
  • Tech Lead / Architect

    Code-on BE - 6 jahre

    Managed a full cycle of software projects development (pre-sales > tech-spec documentation > architecture > decomposition > development > testing, CI/CD)

    Worked with wide range of clients business domains - multimedia, content, ERP, CRM, Data processing, Infrastructure, Logistics, E-commerce

    • Led a team of up to 7 people
    • Communicated with clients
    • Created solutions architecture
    • Implementation
    • Testing
    • Deployment with CI/CD pipelines


    • Technologien:
    • Redis Redis
    • Apache Airflow Apache Airflow
    • AWS AWS
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Django Django
    • Docker Docker
    • Google Cloud Google Cloud
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Python Python
    • ChatGPT API ChatGPT API
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • React.js React.js
  • Founder

    Pydev UA - 3 jahre

    • Created an outsourcing company with a primary focus on Python development
    • Built a team with up to 6 people
    • Completed numerous projects in vast business areas


    • Technologien:
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Django Django
    • Python Python
    • JavaScript JavaScript


  • BSc.Computer Science

    National Aerospace University · 2002 - 2007

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