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Ashiqul I.

Backend Developer

Ashiqul, boasting five years of experience, stands out as a highly skilled backend developer recognized for his proficiency in utilising Python, Django, REST API, PostgreSQL, and SQL.

Beyond backend technologies, he demonstrates proficiency in frontend technologies like React.js, Tailwind, and TypeScript, showcasing a versatile skill set.

His expertise extends across various industries, including eCommerce, software-as-a-service, and CRM, where Ashiqul has made substantial contributions.

Furthermore, Ashiqul has showcased his capabilities by successfully creating web applications with the capacity to efficiently handle over 100,000 simultaneous users. His adeptness in harnessing the power of these technologies positions him as a valuable asset in any backend development role.

Main expertise
  • Django
    Django 6 years
    REST API 6 years
  • PostgreSQL
    PostgreSQL 6 years
Other skills
  • HTML / CSS 3 years
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 2 years
  • Flask
    Flask 2 years
Ashiqul I.


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Selected experience


  • Software Development Lead

    Enosis Solutions - 2 months

    • Conducted research to generate innovative ideas aimed at improving project quality, leading to a notable 60% reduction in development time.
    • Analysed user requirements and demonstrated solutions to project stakeholders, ensuring alignment with project goals.


    • Technologies:
    • Django Django
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Python Python
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • Team leading
    • Unit Testing
    • AWS AWS
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • AWS EC2 AWS EC2
    • Git Git
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Alice Labs Pte Ltd. - 1 year 8 months

    • Designed and developed robust and scalable backend features for multiple web applications using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.
    • Developed various frontend features and their corresponding backend APIs to enhance overall application functionality.
    • Integrated third-party and eCommerce APIs, including WooCommerce and Shopify, and optimised search queries for unlimited product catalogues.
    • Designed and implemented a billing system using Stripe, resulting in a notable 60% increase in software sales.
    • Actively contributed to an agile software development environment utilising the Scrum process.


    • Technologies:
    • Django Django
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Postman Postman
    • Flask Flask
    • MongoDB MongoDB
    • Python Python
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • React.js React.js
    • Tailwind Tailwind
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Jira Jira
    • Pandas Pandas
    • Pytest Pytest
    • Unit Testing
    • Git Git
    • Scikit-learn Scikit-learn
    • Celery Celery
  • Software Engineer

    Field Information Solutions Ltd. - 1 year 11 months

    • Developed REST APIs and implemented authentication protocols, including OAuth, using Python to securely expose data to clients.
    • Co-designed and co-implemented a software-as-a-service platform catering to more than 500,000 users. Implemented features to generate reports based on customer data.
    • Monitored, tested, and modified existing computer programs, resulting in an 80% improvement in performance.


    • Technologies:
    • Django Django
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Postman Postman
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • HTML / CSS
    • Python Python
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Pytest Pytest
    • Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Git Git
    • Bitbucket Bitbucket
    • Celery Celery
    • Redis Redis


  • MSc.Computer Science and Engineering

    United International University · 2020 - 2021

  • BSc.Computer Science and Engineering

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology · 2012 - 2017

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