Moein B.
Moein ist ein talentierter und organisierter iOS-Entwickler mit sechs Jahren Erfahrung. Er zeichnet sich durch dynamische und termingerechte Arbeitsumgebungen aus und hat bereits mehr als sieben iOS-Anwendungen in Zusammenarbeit mit in- und ausländischen Unternehmen geleitet und entwickelt.
Moein verwendet die POP-Methodik sowie MVC-, MVVM- und VIPER-Architekturen.
Er ist sehr erfahren in der Arbeit in funktionsübergreifenden agilen Teams, um qualitativ hochwertige Produkte innerhalb bestimmter Zeiträume zu liefern.
- iOS 7 Jahre
- Swift 7 Jahre
- Objective-C 6 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
- CoreData 4 Jahre
- Realm 4 Jahre
- Automation testing 4 Jahre
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Lead iOS developer
Insign Gmbh - Proxify AB - 1 jahr
- Detected main bottlenecks in the project and created a roadmap for team improvements.
- Provided guidance to developers to ensure alignment with detailed technical design and standards.
- Consulted in code reviews to ensure quality, standards compliance, reusability, and ease of maintenance.
- Eliminated QA process time by implementing Fastlane CI/CD on Gitlab runner for unit tests and beta builds.
- Applied GitFlow strategy to reduce source code conflicts by 35%.
- Performed refactoring to apply clean architecture concepts and single responsibility to classes.
- Provided technical solutions to a wide range of difficult problems.
- Worked as a lead developer, coaching and guiding team members within areas of expertise.
- Technologien:
iOS developer
ChatterFox - 10 monate
- Developed the American Accent Training App.
- Enhanced team efficiency by instructing and applying Scrum methodology using Jira software.
- Analyzed the Burndown chart in Jira to investigate the causes of slowdowns in the development process.
- Managed and integrated a payment system for iOS, Android, and web applications, which increased iOS users by over 20%.
- Investigated and redesigned the UX from the user's point of view and provided solutions for further enhancement.
- Technologien:
Senior iOS Developer
Sync. Money - 1 jahr 5 monate
- Clean Architecture
- Domain-Driven Design
- SOLID principles
- MVVM/Adapter Design Pattern
- Modularity
- Unit Test
- Technologien:
Senior iOS developer
Mobillet - 2 jahre 6 monate
- Created biometric authentication to provide secure user login for the mobile banking app on the iOS platform.
- Eliminated the process of receiving customer OTP codes by substituting a session management process.
- Refactored 60% of old code from Objective-C to Swift, enhancing the readability, maintenance, and scalability of the project through commenting and using clean code practices.
- Reduced production version bugs by 30% using the Pull Request method, reviewing code, and fixing possible errors during coding.
- Technologien:
BSc.Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sadjad University of Technology · 2009 - 2013
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