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Ahmed E.

Mobile Developer

Talented mobile developer focused on Dart, iOS, and Flutter and 6+ years of experience.

Ahmed is a senior mobile developer with 6+ years of experience in complex mobile development. His favorite technology is Flutter, followed by native iOS.

He is good at finding the best approaches to new challenges and applying modern technologies to ensure a top-quality final product for the client.

He clearly understands сoftware дesign patterns, SOLID principles, and application security concepts.

Ahmed has developed various software solutions, including an Islamic iOS app, several Flutter mobile apps for iOS and Android, a crowdfunding project for finding a home in Saudi Arabia, and many others.

Main expertise
  • Flutter
    Flutter 3 years
  • Dart
    Dart 3 years
  • iOS
    iOS 3 years
Other skills
  • Firebase
    Firebase 5 years
    REST API 5 years
  • Mobile testing 5 years
Ahmed E.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Mobile Developer

    Zarcony - 4 months

    • Developed a total of 5 projects from scratch while maintaining a high level of flexibility and customization through the admin panel.
    • Developed a Flutter plugin that handles the entire infrastructure for all projects handling dynamic app settings, dynamic translations, analytics & crashlytics.
    • Continued supporting the production app adding more features, and carrying out client adjustments and requests.
    • Started the process of recruitment and interviewed all candidates for mobile developer position in the company.


    • Technologies:
    • Flutter Flutter
  • Freelance Mobile developer

    Freelance - 1 year 7 months

    • Created several Flutter mobile apps for iOS and Android and delivered them to the stores successfully;
    • Handled communication with clients from different areas of the world to ensure that the final product matches the client's desires and is ready to start their business.


    • Technologies:
    • Flutter Flutter
  • iOS Internship

    iNetworks - 3 months

    • Created an Augmented Reality app for a furniture e-commerce project that displays furniture in 3D to the user on camera.
  • iOS Developer

    Freelance - 2 years

    • Created an Islamic iOS app for a client in a long-term project
    • Redesigned an app in production for children's services business


    • Technologies:
    • iOS iOS

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